Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals
The Catalan Media Corporation (; ) is the public radio and television company in Catalonia owned by Generalitat de Catalunya.The CCRTV is a public corporation created by the Generalitat de Catalunya by a Founding Act that passed the Parliament of Catalonia on 18 May 1983. It answers to the Parliamentary Control Commission and to the Catalan Audiovisual Council. It is funded through the Generalitat's General Budget as well as by income and yield from CCRTV's own activities. Its subsidiaries can partly finance themselves through advertising, sponsorship and the sale of merchandise and programming.
Catalunya Ràdio started broadcasting on 20 June 1983, while its first television channel, TV3, started its trial broadcast on 11 September that year.
In September 2006, CCRTV received the EFQM Excellence Award for its organisational gestion. Provided by Wikipedia