Ellie Crowe
}}Ellie Crowe is a South African-born author of more than sixteen books. She now lives in the United States, in Honolulu, Hawaii and Santa Barbara, California. Her books on the culture and history of Hawaii include ''Exploring Lost Hawaii, Places of Power, History, Mystery and Magic'', ''Kamehameha: the Boy who became a Warrior King'', recipient of the HVCB Kahili Award for Literary Arts in 2004, and ''Surfer of the Century: the Life of Duke Kahanamoku'', recipient of the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance Once Upon a World Award in Children's Literature in 2008. Her first book, ''The Little Princess Kaiulani'', is included in a time capsule in the grounds of the Princess Victoria Kaiulani Elementary School, Honolulu. Provided by Wikipedia