List of Neighbours characters introduced in 1991

Michael meets Helen Daniels (Haddy) while she is waiting for an X-ray at the hospital following a fall. As they talk, they realise they share the same surname and are related – Michael's cousin Bill was Helen's late husband. They enjoy each other's company and begin dating. Michael plans to propose to Helen while they are at The Waterhole with an engagement ring in a champagne glass. However, when Michael returns from the toilet, he finds the glass gone and he panics. Michael recovers the ring and proposes to Helen, who accepts. Jim Robinson (Alan Dale) insists on paying for the wedding, but Michael will not hear of it. Jim also makes some suggestions, but Michael and Helen tell him they only want a small gathering with family and friends, who live locally. Ahead of the wedding, Michael confides in Jim that he is getting cold feet. Jim urges Michael to think carefully before calling the wedding off. Michael relents and Jim keeps quiet about his doubts. The day of the wedding arrives and Michael arranges for the guests to arrive in vintage cars at the church. The ceremony goes off without a hitch and Helen and Michael are married. At the reception, the bride and groom figures fall off the cake and Melanie Pearson (Lucinda Cowden) sees this as bad omen. When Jim takes a call from Michael's cousin, Alf, he learns that Michael is married. Jim goes to Perth to talk with Michael's friend Charles Milner (Peter Drake) about Louise Daniels (Maggie Payne), whom Michael said was his sister. When Jim presses for information about Michael and Louise being divorced, Charles is silent and Jim realises Michael is a bigamist. When Michael and Helen return from their honeymoon, Jim urges Michael to tell Helen the truth and he reluctantly does. Helen asks Michael to leave. A few days later, Michael offers to take Helen to meet Louise, which she agrees to. They visit Louise at a care home and Michael explains Louise has progressive dementia, brought on by schizophrenia and her condition has been deteriorating for a number of years. Helen is sympathetic, but cannot condone his actions which have hurt her and she refuses to continue being with him. Several months later, Michael sends Helen a letter informing her that Louise has died. He asks Helen to marry him again and move to England, but she declines. Provided by Wikipedia