Thomas Mallon
Thomas Mallon (born November 2, 1951) is an American novelist, essayist, and critic. His novels are renowned for their attention to historical detail and context and for the author's crisp wit and interest in the "bystanders" to larger historical events. He is the author of ten books of fiction, including ''Henry and Clara'', ''Two Moons'', ''Dewey Defeats Truman'', ''Aurora 7'', ''Bandbox'', ''Fellow Travelers'' (adapted into a
miniseries by the same name), ''Watergate'', ''Finale'', ''Landfall,'' and most recently ''Up With the Sun''. He has also published nonfiction on
plagiarism (''Stolen Words''), diaries (''A Book of One's Own''), letters (''Yours Ever'') and
the Kennedy assassination (''Mrs. Paine's Garage''), as well as two volumes of essays (''Rockets and Rodeos'' and ''In Fact'').
He is a former
literary editor of ''
Gentleman's Quarterly'', where he wrote the "Doubting Thomas" column in the 1990s, and has contributed frequently to ''
The New Yorker'', ''
The New York Times Book Review'', ''
The Atlantic Monthly'', ''The
American Scholar'', and other
periodicals. He was appointed a member of the
National Council on the Humanities in 2002 and served as Deputy Chairman of the
National Endowment for the Humanities from 2005 to 2006.
His honors include
Guggenheim and
Rockefeller fellowships, the
National Book Critics Circle citation for reviewing, and the Vursell prize of the
American Academy of Arts and Letters for distinguished prose style. He was elected as a new member of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2012.
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