Review by Kirkus Book Review
Lolly, Spider, and Sam, the mettlesome trio of Three By the Sea, turn to storytelling again this time--supposedly, to scare away Spider's little brother Willie, who has followed them down to the lake at dusk. You know, of course, that Wlllie's not going to turn a hair; but how will Marshall put fear into the bigger kids instead? Lolly's story has a ""mean old wolf"" accost ""a little boy who looked just like Willie""--and eat him up, ""roller skates and all."" Sam's story puts the little boy on ""a tricycle with rockets"", has him turned into a potato and devoured by a witch. In Spider's story, he goes into a haunted house and drops dead at the sight of three witches. Then unpeturbed Willis is challenged by Lolly to tell a story--which which neatly turns that same, Willie-like little boy into a ""mean old vampire"" in pursuit of ""a big juicy kid"" for desert. And while Lolly and Spider and Sam bite their fingernails, the moon goes behind a cloud. . . and Willie disappears. A great joke on the unfearsome threesome (though they're pretty poor sports about it)--and further easy-reading excitement. Copyright ©Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
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