- Subjects
- Published
New York :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- 527 pages
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references.
- 9780684831886
- Preface
- Chronology
- Poems
- From Crossways (1889)
- The Song of the Happy Shepherd
- The Sad Shepherd
- The Cloak, the Boat, and the Shoes
- The Indian to his Love
- The Falling of the Leaves
- Ephemera
- The Stolen Child
- To an Isle in the Water
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- The Meditation of the Old Fisherman
- From The Rose (1893)
- To the Rose upon the Rood of Time
- Fergus and the Druid
- The Rose of the World
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree
- The Pity of Love
- The Sorrow of Love
- When You are Old
- The White Birds
- Who goes with Fergus?
- The Man who dreamed of Faeryland
- The Dedication to a Book of Stories selected from the Irish Novelists
- The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner
- The Two Trees
- To Ireland in the Coming Times
- From The Wind Among the Reeds (1899)
- The Hosting of the Sidhe
- The Lover tells of the Rose in his Heart
- The Fish
- The Song of Wandering Aengus
- The Lover mourns for the Loss of Love
- He reproves the Curlew
- He remembers forgotten Beauty
- A Poet to his Beloved
- He gives his Beloved certain Rhymes
- To his Heart, bidding it have no Fear
- The Cap and Bells
- He hears the Cry of the Sedge
- He thinks of Those who have spoken Evil of his Beloved
- The Lover pleads with his Friend for Old Friends
- He wishes his Beloved were Dead
- He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
- From In the Seven Woods (1903)
- In the Seven Woods
- The Arrow
- The Folly of being Comforted
- Never give all the Heart
- Adam''s Curse
- Red Hanrahan''s Song about Ireland
- The Old Men admiring Themselves in the Water
- O do not Love Too Long
- From The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910)
- His Dream
- A Woman Homer sung
- Words
- No Second Troy
- Reconciliation
- The Fascination of What''s Difficult
- A Drinking Song
- The Coming of Wisdom with Time
- On hearing that the Students of our New University have joined the Agitation against Immoral Literature
- To a Poet, who would have me Praise certain Bad Poets, Imitators of His and Mine
- The Mask
- Upon a House shaken by the Land Agitation
- All things can tempt me
- Brown Penny
- From Responsibilities (1914) [Introductory Rhymes]
- To a Wealthy Man who promised a second Subscription to the Dublin Municipal Gallery if it were proved the People wanted Pictures
- September
- To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing
- Paudeen
- When Helen lived
- On Those that hated ''The Playboy of the Western World,''
- The Three Beggars
- Beggar to Beggar cried
- The Witch
- The Peacock
- To a Child dancing in the Wind
- Two Years Later
- A Memory of Youth
- Fallen Majesty
- Friends
- The Cold Heaven
- That the Night come
- The Magi
- The Dolls
- A Coat [Closing Rhyme]
- From The Wild Swans at Coole (1917)
- The Wild Swans at Coole
- In Memory of Major Robert Gregory
- An Irish Airman foresees his Death
- Men improve with the Years
- The Living Beauty
- A Song
- The Scholars
- Lines written in Dejection
- On Woman
- The Fisherman
- Memory
- The People
- Broken Dreams
- A Deep-sworn Vow
- The Balloon of the Mind
- On being asked for a War Poem
- Ego Dominus Tuus
- The Double Vision of Michael Robartes
- From Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1921)
- Michael Robartes and the Dancer
- Easter, 1916
- Sixteen Dead Men
- The Rose Tree
- On a Political Prisoner
- The Second Coming
- A Prayer for my Daughter
- To be carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee From The Tower (1928)
- Sailing to Byzantium
- The Tower
- Meditations in Time of Civil War
- Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen
- A Prayer for my Son
- Fragments
- Leda and the Swan
- Among School Children
- From ''Oedipus at Colonus''
- All Souls'' Night
- From The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1933)
- In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz
- A Dialogue of Self and Soul
- Coole Park
- Coole and Ballylee
- The Choice
- Mohini Chatterjee
- Byzantium
- Vacillation
- Crazy Jane and the Bishop
- Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop
- Her Anxiety
- Lullaby
- After Long Silence
- Father and Child
- Parting
- Her Vision in the Wood
- A Last Confession
- From the ''Antigone''
- From Parnell''s Funeral and Other Poems (1935)
- Parnell''s Funeral
- A Prayer for Old Age
- Ribh at the Tomb of Baile and Aillinn
- The Four Ages of Man
- Meru
- From New Poems (1938)
- The Gyres
- Lapis Lazuli
- Imitated from the Japanese
- An Acre of Grass
- What Then?
- Beautiful Lofty Things
- Come Gather Round Me Parnellites
- The Great Day
- Parnell
- The Spur
- The Municipal Gallery Re-visited
- Are You Content
- From [Last Poems, 1938-39]
- Under Ben Bulben
- The Black Tower
- Cuchulain Comforted
- The Statues
- Long-legged Fly
- High Talk
- Man and the Echo
- The Circus Animals'' Desertion
- Politics
- Plays [Dates and order follow The Plays (2001)]
- Cathleen ni Houlihan (1902)
- On Baile''s Strand (1904)
- Deirdre (1907)
- At the Hawk''s Well (1917)
- The Words upon the Window-pane (1930)
- The Resurrection (1931)
- Purgatory (1938)
- The Death of Cuchulain (1939)
- Autobiographical Writings
- From Reveries Over Childhood and Youth (1916)
- From The Trembling of the Veil (1922)
- From Book I: Four Years, 1887-1891
- From Book II: Ireland After Parnell
- From Book III: Hodos Chameliontos
- From Book IV: The Tragic Generation
- From Book V: The Stirring of the Bones
- From Dramatis Personae (1935)
- From The Bounty of Sweden (1925)
- From Memoirs (Written 1916-17, Published 1972)
- From Journal (Written 1909-30, Published 1972)
- From Pages from a Diary Written in Nineteen Hundred and Thirty (1944)
- Critical Writings
- From Ideas of Good and Evil (1903)
- What is ''Popular Poetry''?
- From Magic
- William Blake and the Imagination
- The Symbolism of Poetry
- Ireland and the Arts
- From Samhain (1903)
- The Reform of the Theatre
- From Samhain (1908)
- First Principles
- The Tragic Theatre
- From Per Amica Silentia Lunae (1918)
- From Anima Hominis
- From Anima Mundi
- From A Vision (1925, 1937)
- From Introduction
- From Book I: The Great Wheel
- From
- Part 1. The Principal Symbol
- From
- Part 2. Examination of the Wheel
- From
- Part 3. The Twenty-eight Incarnations
- From Book V: Dove or Swan
- Essays for the Scribner Edition (1937)
- Introduction
- Introduction to Essays
- Introduction to Plays
- From On the Boiler (1939)
- From Preliminaries
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