Every woman's guide to eating during pregnancy

Martha Rose Shulman

Book - 2002

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Boston : Houghton Mifflin 2002.
Main Author
Martha Rose Shulman (-)
Other Authors
Jane L. Davis (-)
Physical Description
420 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Foreword: Two Personal Perspectives
  • Introduction
  • Before You Conceive
  • Determining Your Needs: How Much Weight Should You Gain?
  • Eating by Trimester
  • The Recipes
  • Breakfast Foods
  • Snacks, Dips, Condiments, and Beverages
  • Sandwiches
  • Soups
  • Salads
  • Main Dishes
  • Grain and Vegetable Dishes
  • Desserts
  • Eating Plans for Individual Needs
  • Lower-Carb, High-Protein Plan
  • Higher-Carb, High-Protein Plan
  • Vegetarian Plans
  • Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian Plan
  • Vegan Plan
  • Plan for the Noncook or the Reluctant Cook
  • Eating Plans for Special Needs and High-Risk Pregnancies
  • Calcium-Rich Plan for the Lactose-Intolerant
  • Plan for Multiples
  • Plan for Gestational Diabetes
  • Eating While on Bed Rest
  • Eating Plans for the Trimesters
  • The First Trimester: Menus for the Nauseous and Tired
  • The Second Trimester: Menus for the Hungry
  • The Third Trimester: Little Meals
  • Eating Plan for Nursing Mothers
  • A Nutrition Primer
  • Selected Bibliography
  • Index
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Shulman (Mediterranean Light) and Davis, director of obstetrics and gynecology at Los Angeles's Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, team up to offer a slew of recipes plus some basic tips on weight gain, bed rest, fighting nausea, key nutrients and other issues faced by virtually all pregnant women. The recipes include breakfast foods, snacks, salads, soups, sandwiches, main dishes and deserts, and Shulman provides inventive variations on even the most ordinary dishes. She includes a toaster-oven version of the grilled cheese sandwich and a deviled eggs recipe that's easy on the mayonnaise, plus more exotic treats like Grapefruit Avocado Salad, White Bean Puree, and Mediterranean Chicken Stew. Many of the recipes are easy to make and suitable for anyone, pregnant or not. For the pregnant woman, the meal plans which include advice on schedules and portions sizes for the different trimesters will be particularly useful. Shulman and Davis devise special programs for those with conditions such as lactose intolerance and gestational diabetes. They offer low- and high-carb programs, as well as special plans for vegetarians and nursing mothers. Fans of Shulman's other books are especially likely to find this comprehensive new volume appealing. (Aug) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved

Introduction If you've just picked up this book and begun to read, chances are you're in your first trimester of pregnancy. You may be nauseous or starving or intermittently one or the other, and possibly for the first time in your life, you have begun to think about and maybe worry about what you eat. Perhaps you've been eating well up until this point, or maybe you haven't. Whatever your dietary habits, you don't want to be bossed around or punished for the way you eat. You just want some practical information. Well, you've come to the right place. Even if you haven't ever thought much about food or your weight, now that you're pregnant, you'll find that you obsess about these matters. This is because every month at your prenatal checkup, you'll be put on the scale and told that you're doing fine or that you're gaining too much weight or not enough. If you experience morning sickness, queasiness, or fatigue, if your tastes and aversions change every week, your diet can become a challenge. Each phase of your pregnancy will present new hurdles. During the first trimester, you may experience morning sickness or feel tired. But even if you have no energy to cook, you can make choices about the foods you buy. Luckily, although the quality of the food you eat is crucial during the early months, it is not essential that you gain a lot of weight. During the second trimester, you may feel ravenous all the time. As you near the end of your pregnancy, you will find it miraculous that there is any room for food in there at all, and little meals will suit you best during this time. Pregnancy can be a time when you take tremendous pleasure in eating, not only because you may enjoy food more but also because you know that it is nourishing both you and your baby. It can be a time when you eat foods that you once considered an indulgence. Or if you have always been plagued by weight problems, it can a difficult time, because you may feel a conflict between the health of your baby and your own weight and appearance. You may have been given conflicting information about what you should and shouldn't eat and about how much you should eat. On the one hand, you may hear that protein is all-important and that you need 45 grams a day. On the other hand, you may be told that you shouldn't eat much red meat a very good source of protein because of all the saturated fat. So you turn to beans and grains, only to hear that you should watch your carbohydrate intake. You also may be barraged with lists of food groups, portions, calories, and grams. Suddenly, eating is not about pleasure and satisfying hunger; it becomes a math class, with the calculator replacing the fork and knife.With this book, you can throw out the calculator and reach again for your plate. We've devised a number of eating plans for you, based on good, uncomplicated food. There's something for everyone here: if you like to cook, you'll find plenty of great recipes; if you're too tired to cook, you'll find a number of very quick dishes; and if you don't cook at all, there are meal plans based on healthy, tasty packaged and frozen foods, with some fresh vegetables and fruits thrown in for good measure. We've already done the work for you, so you don't have to figure out how to put together your meal strategy. Just choose the one that suits you. Because we think it might be easier for you to understand how the foods you eat affect your weight and health, as well as the health of your baby, if you understand the basics of nutrition, we've included a nutrition primer in this book. That way, when we talk about a balanced diet about protein, carbohydrates, and fats; vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you'll know what we mean. We also tell you what the best sources of the different nutrients are. We've listed the key nutrients that you will be getting in every recipe, and the nutrition section will allow you to bone up on what these nutrients are actually doing for you and your baby. If you already have sound eating habits, you're well on your way to a healthy pregnancy. You will need to increase your caloric intake, but not by much (100 to 300 calories is recommended, and you can find those in a couple of glasses of milk, a milk shake or smoothie, or a few pieces of fruit). If you need to improve the quality of your diet, this is the time to do it. The beneficial effects on the health of your baby will be the most immediate outcome, but changing your diet for the better will also have lasting effects on your own health and therefore on your quality of life.What, you may ask, are sound eating habits? The most important aspect of a good diet is balance. Whether you are a vegetarian or a meat- eater (or a little of both), a fast-food addict or committed to organic foods, lactose intolerant or diabetic, you need to have a range of nutrients in your diet: complex carbohydrates, which can come from whole grains (including breads and pasta), beans, and fresh produce; protein, from animal or plant sources; fats in moderation, with an emphasis on monounsaturates (such as olive oil) and omega-3s (see page 385). A balanced, healthy diet, one that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, will also provide you with a range of micronutrients vitamins, minerals, tiny nutrients called phytochemicals all of which help in very specific ways to make the body function properly. And if your body is working well, in all likelihood so will your baby's. Your baby is, after all, totally dependent on what you are eating for his or her own nutrition from the time you conceive until the moment the umbilical cord is cut and well beyond that if you nurse. Moreover, recent studies have shown that the way the baby is nourished in utero can have a lasting effect on his or her own health. Overweight babies, for example, are more likely to have weight problems in adulthood. And because a baby's taste buds and olfactory senses develop by the third trimester, your child may be more likely to want to eat good, healthy foods such as broccoli, carrots, and greens if you eat plenty of them while you're pregnant. Remember that it's normal and healthy to accumulate fat during pregnancy. You even produce special hormones that tell the body to store fat. Your body needs those fat stores, both for your developing baby and your own energy needs, as well as to prepare for lactation. But for some people, controlling the amount of that fat may be a challenge. This is when knowing something about nutrition can come in handy. For instance, simple carbohydratessugarsare often the source of many useless calories during pregnancy. Low energy and fatigue, depression, and mood swings often result in a craving for sweets. If you're gaining weight too quickly or are already overweight, these cravings can be problematic. If you're sensitive to carbohydrates, certain types, such as refined baked goods, can encourage your body to store too much fat. Fats, however, are the most insidious source of calories. Gram for gram, fats have more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates (9 as opposed to 4), so if your diet is high in fat, it will be too high in calories. Fats also contribute to two other pregnancy afflictions: morning sickness and heartburn.You may love cooking or hate it, but everybody has to eat, especially during pregnancy. Whether you are twenty-five or forty-five, whether your pregnancy is going swimmingly or you are feeling challenged, you'll find something in these pages that you can use. It may be a lower-carb menu plan, a vegan menu plan, or one for a multiple pregnancy. It may be a list of recommended packaged foods from the supermarket. Perhaps it'll be a few of the recipes, such as grilled chicken breasts, buttermilk pancakes, do-ahead lasagna, banana bread, or bran muffins. (These happen to be ones that are most regularly requested by our own children.) These are healthful and delicious dishes, drawn from a repertoire that we and our families have been savoring for years. The recipes, each one with a key-nutrients profile, are followed by eating plans with a week's worth of menus. You can follow them to a tee if you want to, or simply use them as guidelines. Whatever you decide to cook and eat, rest assured that you and your family will enjoy it. Our menus may be designed with pregnancy in mind, but this is not "pregnancy food." It's just good, simple cooking, developed with a cook'sand a mother'stouch.Coping with NauseaThe first trimester is a good time to experiment with different taste and texture sensations. Giving in to cravings immediately may prevent or alleviate nausea. Some of these suggestions for preventing queasiness may work for you. _ Keep appealing foods by your bed (crackers, matzo, almonds, hard candy such as lemon drops, pretzels, or apple juice or carbonated fruit drinks in an ice bucket), and eat or drink some of it before rising. _ Don't drink citrus juice first thing in the morning. _ Have a snack before going to sleep. This will help keep nausea at bay during the night. _ Eat lots of small meals. _ Alternate liquid snacks and solid snacks. _ Eat foods with a high liquid content, such as watermelon. _ Avoid greasy, rich foods; they're more difficult to digest. _ Never leave the house without food. _ Avoid sources of odors, such as refrigerators, trash cans, dirty diapers, pet products and boxes, gas stations, public restrooms, and coffeepots. Have somebody else open the refrigerator door and dispose of the trash whenever possible, and enlist someone else to change diapers. _ Ask your partner, a friend, or a relative to prepare food or bring home takeout meals. _ Use air-conditioning; heat and humidity exacerbate nausea. _ Rely on warm clothes and keep the use of artificial heaters to a minimum; these accelerate fluid loss. _ Avoid poor-quality computer screens and videos, which can cause nausea-producing dizziness. _ Keep lemons on hand to smell; their scent has proved useful as an antidote to nausea-provoking odors. Rinsing your mouth with fresh lemon juice and water also may alleviate symptoms. _ Experiment with Sea Bands (wristbands for seasickness, sold in pharmacies), acupressure, and hypnosis. _ Get up slowly.High-Protein Muffins Makes 12 muffinsADVANCE PREPARATION These will keep in a cool place for 5 days and freeze well.KEY NUTRIENTS Protein Vitamin B6 Folacin Niacin Riboflavin Thiamin Copper Iron Magnesium Manganese PhosphorusThese are power-packed muffins, with a high-protein grain (rye or barley flakes), whole wheat flour, and yogurt and eggs. You can make them sweeter if you wish; just add another tablespoon or two of sugar or honey.2 large eggs 1 cup plain yogurt 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup canola oil 12 tablespoons mild-flavored honey (such as clover), to taste 2 tablespoons nonfat dry milk 1 cup stone-ground whole wheat flour 1/3 cup unbleached or all-purpose flour 1/3 cup soy flour or rye flour 1/3 cup stone-ground cornmeal 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup dried cherries or cranberries 1/3 cup barley flakes or rye flakes1. Preheat the oven to 375F. Oil or spray a 12-cup muffin tin. 2.In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, yogurt, milk, oil, honey, and nonfat dry milk. 3. In a medium bowl, sift together the flours, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Stir into the wet ingredients with just a few strokes. Fold in the dried cherries or cranberries and barley or rye flakes. 4.Spoon the batter into the muffin cups, filling each about two- thirds full. Bake for 25 minutes, or until the tops brown and a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Let cool in the tin for 15 minutes, then remove from the tin and cool on a rack. 5. Serve cooled. Store in a cool place in plastic bags. If freezing, transfer the muffins to zipper-lock freezer bags. Thaw in the microwave or toaster oven before serving.Copyright 2002 by Martha Rose Shulman and Jane L. Davis, M.D. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. Excerpted from Every Woman's Guide to Eating During Pregnancy by Martha Rose Shulman, Jane L. Davis, Jane Davis,, Jane "Davis, " All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.