- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Random House
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Edition
- First edition
- Physical Description
- 646 pages : illustrations
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9781400060139
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Book 1. Out of the Dark Ages
- 1.. Renaissance Men
- Emerging from the dark
- The elegance of Copernicus
- The Earth moves!
- The orbits of the planets
- Leonard Digges and the telescope
- Thomas Digges and the infinite Universe
- Bruno: a martyr for science?
- Copernican model banned by Catholic Church
- Vesalius: surgeon, dissector and grave-robber
- Fallopio and Fabricius
- William Harvey and the circulation of the blood
- 2.. The Last Mystics
- The movement of the planets
- Tycho Brahe
- Measuring star positions
- Tycho's supernova
- Tycho observes comet
- His model of the Universe
- Johannes Kepler: Tycho's assistant and inheritor
- Kepler's geometrical model of the Universe
- New thoughts on the motion of planets: Kepler's first and second laws
- Kepler's third law
- Publication of the Rudolphine star tables
- Kepler's death
- 3.. The First Scientists
- William Gilbert and magnetism
- Galileo on the pendulum, gravity and acceleration
- His invention of the 'compass'
- His supernova studies
- Lippershey's reinvention of the telescope
- Galileo's developments thereon
- Copernican ideas of Galileo judged heretical
- Galileo publishes Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems
- Threatened with torture, he recants
- Galileo publishes Two New Sciences
- His death
- Book 2. The Founding Fathers
- 4.. Science Finds its Feet
- Rene Descartes and Cartesian co-ordinates
- His greatest works
- Pierre Gassendi: atoms and molecules
- Descartes's rejection of the concept of a vacuum
- Christiaan Huygens: his work on optics and the wave theory of light
- Robert Boyle: his study of gas pressure
- Boyle's scientific approach to alchemy
- Marcello Malpighi and the circulation of the blood
- Giovanni Borelli and Edward Tyson: the increasing perception of animal (and man) as machine
- 5.. The 'Newtonian Revolution'
- Robert Hooke: the study of microscopy and the publication of Micrographia
- Hooke's study of the wave theory of light
- Hooke's law of elasticity
- John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley: cataloguing stars by telescope
- Newton's early life
- The development of calculus
- The wrangling of Hooke and Newton
- Newton's Principia Mathematica: the inverse square law and the three laws of motion
- Newton's later life
- Hooke's death and the publication of Newton's Opticks
- 6.. Expanding Horizons
- Edmond Halley
- Transits of Venus
- The effort to calculate the size of an atom
- Halley travels to sea to study terrestrial magnetism
- Predicts return of comet
- Proves that stars move independently
- Death of Halley
- John Ray and Francis Willughby: the first-hand study of flora and fauna
- Carl Linnaeus and the naming of species
- The Comte de Buffon: Histoire Naturelle and thoughts on the age of the Earth
- Further thoughts on the age of the Earth: Jean Fourier and Fourier analysis
- Georges Couvier: Lectures in Comparative Anatomy; speculations on extinction
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: thoughts on evolution
- Book 3. The Enlightenment
- 7.. Enlightened Science I: Chemistry catches up
- The Enlightenment
- Joseph Black and the discovery of carbon dioxide
- Black on temperature
- The steam engine: Thomas Newcomen, James Watt and the Industrial Revolution
- Experiments in electricity: Joseph Priestley
- Priestley's experiments with gases
- The discovery of oxygen
- The chemical studies of Henry Cavendish: publication in the Philosophical Transactions
- Water is not an element
- The Cavendish experiment: weighing the Earth
- Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier: study of air; study of the system of respiration
- The first table of elements; Lavoisier renames elements; he publishes Elements of Chemistry
- Lavoisier's execution
- 8.. Enlightened Science II: Progress on all fronts
- The study of electricity: Stephen Gray, Charles Du Fay, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Coulomb
- Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta and the invention of the electric battery
- Pierre-Louis de Maupertuis: the principle of least action
- Leonhard Euler: mathematical description of the refraction of light
- Thomas Wright: speculations on the Milky Way
- The discoveries of William and Caroline Herschel
- John Michell
- Pierre Simon Laplace, 'The French Newton': his Exposition
- Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford): his life
- Thompson's thoughts on convection
- His thoughts on heat and motion
- James Hutton: the uniformitarian theory of geology
- Book 4. The Big Picture
- 9.. The 'Darwinian Revolution'
- Charles Lyell: His life
- His travels in Europe and study of geology
- He publishes the Principles of Geology
- Lyell's thoughts on species
- Theories of evolution: Erasmus Darwin and Zoonomia
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: the Lamarckian theory of evolution
- Charles Darwin: his life
- The voyage of the Beagle
- Darwin develops his theory of evolution by natural selection
- Alfred Russell Wallace
- The publication of Darwin's Origin of Species
- 10.. Atoms and Molecules
- Humphry Davy's work on gases; electrochemical research
- John Dalton's atomic model; first talk of atomic weights
- Jons Berzelius and the study of elements
- Avogadro's number
- William Prout's hypothesis on atomic weights
- Friedrich Wohler: studies in organic and inorganic substances
- Valency
- Stanislao Cannizzaro: the distinction between atoms and molecules
- The development of the periodic table, by Mendeleyev and others
- The science of thermodynamics
- James Joule on thermodynamics
- William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and the laws of thermodynamics
- James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann: kinetic theory and the mean free path of molecules
- Albert Einstein: Avogadro's number, Brownian motion and why the sky is blue
- 11.. Let There be Light
- The wave model of light revived
- Thomas Young: his double-slit experiment
- Fraunhofer lines
- The study of spectroscopy and the spectra of stars
- Michael Faraday: his studies in electromagnetism
- The invention of the electric motor and the dynamo
- Faraday on the lines of force
- Measuring the speed of light
- James Clerk Maxwell's complete theory of electromagnetism
- Light is a form of electromagnetic disturbance
- Albert Michelson and Edward Morley: the Michelson
- Morley experiment on light
- Albert Einstein: special theory of relativity
- Minkowski: the geometrical union of space and time in accordance with this theory
- 12.. The Last Hurrah! of Classical Science
- Contractionism: our wrinkling planet?
- Early hypotheses on continental drift
- Alfred Wegener: the father of the theory of continental drift
- The evidence for Pangea
- The radioactive technique for measuring the age of rocks
- Holmes's account of continental drift
- Geomagnetic reversals and the molten core of the Earth
- The model of 'sea-floor spreading'
- Further developments on continental drift
- The 'Bullard fit' of the continents
- Plate tectonics
- The story of Ice Ages: Jean de Charpentier
- Louis Agassiz and the glacial model
- The astronomical theory of Ice Ages
- The elliptical orbit model
- James Croll
- The Milankovitch model
- Modern ideas about Ice Ages
- The impact on evolution
- Book 5. Modern Times
- 13.. Inner Space
- Invention of the vacuum tube
- 'Cathode rays' and 'canal rays'
- William Crookes: the Crookes tube and the corpuscular interpretation of cathode rays
- Cathode rays are shown to move far slower than light
- The discovery of the electron
- Wilhelm Rontgen & the discovery of X-rays
- Radioactivity; Becquerel and the Curies
- Discovery of alpha, beta and gamma radiation
- Rutherford's model of the atom
- Radioactive decay
- The existence of isotopes
- Discovery of the neutron
- Max Planck and Planck's constant, black-body radiation and the existence of energy quanta
- Albert Einstein and light quanta
- Niels Bohr
- The first quantum model of the atom
- Louis de Broglie
- Erwin Schrodinger's wave equation for electrons
- The particle-based approach to the quantum world of electrons
- Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: wave-particle duality
- Dirac's equation of the electron
- The existence of antimatter
- The strong nuclear force
- The weak nuclear force; neutrinos
- Quantum electrodynamics
- The future? Quarks and string
- 14.. The Realm of Life
- The most complex things in the Universe
- Charles Darwin and nineteenth-century theories of evolution
- The role of cells in life
- The division of cells
- The discovery of chromosomes and their role in heredity
- Intracellular pangenesis
- Gregor Mendel: father of genetics
- The Mendelian laws of inheritance
- The study of chromosomes
- Nucleic acid
- Working towards DNA and RNA
- The tetranucleotide hypothesis
- The Chargaff rules
- The chemistry of life
- Covalent bond model and carbon chemistry
- The ionic bond
- Bragg's law
- Chemistry as a branch of physics
- Linus Pauling
- The nature of the hydrogen bond
- Studies of fibrous proteins
- The alpha-helix structure
- Francis Crick and James Watson: the model of the DNA double helix
- The genetic code
- The genetic age of humankind
- Humankind is nothing special
- 15.. Outer Space
- Measuring the distances of stars
- Stellar parallax determinations
- Spectroscopy and the stuff of stars
- The Hertzsprung--Russell diagram
- The colour--magnitude relationship and the distances to stars
- The Cepheid distance scale
- Cepheid stars and the distances to other galaxies
- General theory of relativity outlined
- The expanding Universe
- The steady state model of the Universe
- The nature of the Big Bang
- Predicting background radiation
- Measuring background radiation
- Modern measurements: the COBE satellite
- How the stars shine: the nuclear fusion process
- The concept of 'resonances'
- CHON and humankind's place in the Universe
- Into the unknown
- Coda: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
- Bibliography
- Index
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