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- Subjects
- Published
Princeton, N.J. :
Princeton University Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
Ber van Perlo
- Item Description
- Originally published by HarperCollins as Collins Field Guide: Birds of Mexico and Central America, c2006.
- Physical Description
- 336 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 20 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references (page 308) and indexes.
- 9780691120706
- Introduction
- Parts of a bird
- The Plates
- Plate
- Seabirds: albatrosses, fulmars, petrel, shearwater
- Seabirds: petrels
- Seabirds: shearwaters, petrel
- Seabirds: storm-petrels
- Seabirds: tropicbirds, boobies, gannet, frigatebirds
- Sea- and waterbirds: murrelets, puffins, loons, penguin
- Grebes, gallinules, coots, sungrebe, sunbittern
- Pelicans, cormorants, anhinga
- Bitterns, egrets, herons
- Egrets, herons, ibises, limpkin, spoonbill, jabiru, wood stork, flamingo, cranes
- Swans, geese, mergansers, ducks
- Ducks
- Ducks
- Vultures, osprey, eagle
- Kites, hawks
- Kites, harriers
- Hawks
- Eagle, hawks
- Hawks, buzzard
- Eagles, hawk eagles
- Caracaras, forest falcons
- Falcons
- Chachalacas, guans, curassow, turkeys, rails
- Rails, crakes, wood partridges
- Quails, bobwhites, tinamous
- Thicknee, plovers, oystercatchers, stilt, curlews, avocet, jacanas
- Yellowlegs, willet, tattler, sandpipers, plovers
- Godwits, sandpiper, ruff, dowitchers, snipes, phalaropes, turnstones, surfbird
- Sandpipers
- Jaegers, skuas, gulls
- Gulls
- Gulls
- Terns
- Terns, skimmer
- Pigeons, quail doves
- Doves, ground doves
- Parakeets, parrotlets, parrots
- Macaws, parrots
- Cuckoos, roadrunners, anis
- Owls
- Owls
- Potoos, oilbird, nightjar, nighthawks, pauraque, poorwills
- Poorwills, nightjars
- Swifts
- Hummingbirds: hermits, sicklebill, sabrewings, jacobin, mangos
- Hummingbirds: topaz, coquettes, thorntail, emeralds, lancebill
- Hummingbirds: woodnymphs, hummingbirds, sapphires, snowcap
- Hummingbirds: emeralds, hummingbirds
- Hummingbirds: brilliant, violet-ears, mountain gems, plumeleteers, fairy, puffleg, starthroats
- Hummingbirds: woodstars, sheartails, hummingbirds
- Quetzals, trogons, jacamars
- Motmots, kingfishers, puffbirds
- Barbets, nunbird, nunlet, monklet, toucanets, toucans, woodpeckers
- Woodpeckers
- Woodpeckers
- Woodpeckers: flickers, sapsuckers, woodpeckers
- Woodcreepers
- Woodcreepers, piculet, xenops, tuftedcheek, treehunter, treerunners, leaftossers
- Spinetails, foliage gleaners, greytail, antvireos, tapaculos
- Antshrikes, antwrens
- Antbirds, antthrushes, antpittas
- Flycatchers: kiskadees, flycatchers, kingbirds, cattle tyrant
- Flycatchers: pewees, flycatchers, attila
- Flycatchers: tyrranulets, flycatchers
- Flycatchers: elaenias, pygmy tyrants, flycatcher, bentbills, tody flycatchers, spadebills
- Flycatchers
- Flycatchers: phoebes, tyrants, flatbills, kingbirds, twistwing, tyrannulet
- Schiffornis, piha, mourners, sapayoa, piprites, manakins
- Becards, cotingas, tityras, fruitcrow, umbrellabird, bellbird
- Swallows, martins
- Jays
- Jays, nutcracker, crows, raven
- Chickadees, tits, nuthatches, creeper, lark, wagtails, pipits
- Wrens
- Wrens
- Wrens, silky-flycatchers, waxwing, peppershrike, shrikes, donacobius, starling, dipper
- Warblers, kinglets, gnatwrens, gnatcatchers, greenlets, shrike vireos
- Vireos
- Catbirds, mockingbirds, thrashers
- Solitaires, thrushes
- Wheatear, bluebirds, thrushes
- Wood warblers
- Wood warblers
- Wood warblers, whitestarts, redstart
- Wood warblers, wrenthrush, ovenbird, waterthrushes
- Bananaquit, conebill, dacnises, honeycreepers, tanagers
- Chlorophonias, euphonias, tanagers
- Tanagers
- Tanagers
- Saltators, grosbeaks, pyrrhuloxia, cardinal, bunting
- Buntings, dicksissel, finches, brushfinches, ground sparrows
- Sparrows, towhees, seedeaters, seedfinches, grassquit
- Finches, grassquit, flowerpiercers, sparrows
- Sparrows
- Grass finch, bunting, sparrows, juncos, longspurs
- Meadowlarks, blackbirds, grackles, cowbirds, oropendolas
- Orioles, caciques
- Bobolink, blackbirds, finches, siskins, grosbeaks, goldfinches, crossbill, house sparrow
- Distribution maps
- Bibliography and list of further reading
- Indexes of scientific, Spanish and English names