- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Penguin Books
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- , ,
- Item Description
- This edition first published: New York : Viking Penguin, 2005.
- Physical Description
- xv, 236 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 219-236).
- 9780143039938
- Foreword to the First Edition: An Anthology of Fantastic Zoology
- Foreword to the 1967 Edition
- The A Bao A Qu
- Abtu and Anet
- The Monster Acheron
- The Amphisbaena
- Swedenborg's Angels
- An Animal Dreamed
- An Animal Dreamed
- The Animal Dreamed
- Two Metaphysical Animals
- Animals That Live in the Mirror
- Spherical Animals
- Six-Legged Antelopes
- The Three-Legged Ass
- The Bahamut
- The Baldanders
- Banshees
- The Basilisk
- The Behemoth
- The Bird That Makes the Rain
- The Borametz
- The Brownies
- Buraq
- The Cheshire Cat and Kilkenny Cats
- The Catoblepas
- The Centaur
- Cerberus
- The Chimaera
- The Celestial Cock
- The Crocotta and the Leucrocotta
- A Crossbreed
- The Demons of Judaism
- Swedenborg's Demons
- The Devourer of the Dead
- The Double
- The Dragon
- The Chinese Dragon
- The Western Dragon
- The Elephant That Prefigured the Birth of Buddha
- The Eloi and the Morlocks
- Elves
- Fairies
- The Fastitocalon
- Fauna of China
- Fauna of the United States
- The Chinese Fox
- The Garuda
- Gnomes
- The Golem
- The Gryphon
- The Hairy Beast of La Ferte-Bernard
- Haniel Kafziel, Azriel, and Aniel
- Haokah, God of Thunder
- The Hare in the Moon
- The Harpies
- The Hippogriff
- Hochigan
- Humbaba
- The Hundred-Heads
- The Hydra
- Ichthyocentaurs
- The Jinn
- The Kami
- A King of Fire and His Steed
- The Kraken
- Kronos or Herakles
- The Lamed Wufniks
- The Lamia
- The Lemuri
- The Leveler
- The Offspring of Leviathan
- Lilith
- The Mandrake
- The Mantichora, or Manticore
- The Minotaur
- The Ink Monkey
- The Mother of Tortoises
- The Myrmecoleon
- The Nagas
- The Nisnas
- The Norns
- Nymphs
- Odradek
- One-Eyed Beings
- The Ouroboros
- The Panther
- The Pelican
- The Perytion
- The Phoenix
- The Chinese Phoenix
- Pygmies
- Quyata
- Remora
- A Reptile Dreamed
- The Roc
- The Salamander
- Satyrs
- Scylla
- The Sea Horse
- The Eight-Forked-Serpent
- The Simurgh
- Sirens
- The Sow in Chains
- The Sphinx
- The Squonk
- The Celestial Stag
- Sylphs
- Talos
- The T'ao-T'ieh
- Thermal Beings
- The Tigers of Annam
- Trolls
- The Unicorn
- The Chinese Unicorn
- Valkyries
- Youwarkee
- The Zaratan
- Translator's Note
- Notes