- Subjects
- Published
New York :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- ,
- Item Description
- Prevised ed.published: 1994.
- Physical Description
- 320 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 26 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes index.
- 9780756602611
- Introduction to the Bible
- The Old Testament
- The Old Testament
- The Creation
- The Garden of Eden
- Cain and Abel
- Noah's Ark
- The Flood
- The Tower of Babel
- The Patriarchs
- Abram's Journey
- Abram, Sarai, and Hagar
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- Abraham's Two Sons
- The Sacrifice of Isaac
- Isaac and Rebekah
- Esau and Jacob
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jacob and Rachel
- Jacob's Wedding
- Jacob's Return
- Joseph's Dreams
- Joseph the Slave
- Pharaoh's Dreams
- Joseph the Governor
- Benjamin and the Silver Cup
- Life in Egypt
- Moses in the Bulrushes
- Moses Is Called by God
- Moses Warns the Pharaoh
- The Plagues of Egypt
- The Tenth Plague
- The Crossing of the Red Sea
- God Watches Over the Israelites
- Moses Receives God's Laws
- The Golden Calf
- Balaam's Donkey
- Life in Canaan
- The Promised Land
- Rahab and the Spies
- The Battle of Jericho
- The Call of Gideon
- Jephthah's Daughter
- Samson and the Lion
- Samson and Delilah
- Samson in the Temple
- Ruth and Naomi
- Samuel Is Called to Serve God
- The Ark Is Captured
- Saul, the First King of the Israelites
- Saul's Downfall
- God Chooses David
- David and Goliath
- Saul Turns Against David
- David the Outlaw
- David and Abigail
- The Death of Saul
- Long Live the King
- David and Bathsheba
- Absalom's Rebellion
- King Solomon's Wisdom
- Solomon's Temple
- The Queen of Sheba
- Elijah in the Wilderness
- The Israelites Turn Against God
- Naboth's Vineyard
- Elijah's Final Journey
- Elisha and the Woman of Shunem
- Elisha and Naaman
- Conquering Nations
- The Prophet Isaiah
- Hezekiah's Gold
- Josiah and the Scroll of the Law
- Jeremiah and the Potter's Wheel
- The Israelites in Captivity
- The Golden Statue
- Belshazzar's Feast
- Daniel in the Lions' Den
- Esther Becomes Queen
- Esther Saves Her People
- The Rebuilding of Jerusalem
- Jonah and the Great Fish
- The Book of Psalms
- The New Testament
- The New Testament
- A Son for Zechariah
- An Angel Appears to Mary
- The Birth of John
- The Birth of Jesus
- The Shepherds' Visit
- The Presentation in the Temple
- The Wise Men
- The Flight into Egypt
- Jesus Is Found in the Temple
- John Baptizes Jesus
- The Temptations in the Wilderness
- Jesus of Galilee
- Daily Life in Jesus' Time
- Jesus Calls His Disciples
- The Marriage Feast of Cana
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Healing the Sick
- The Centurion's Servant
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- The Gadarene Swine
- Jairus' Daughter
- The Sower
- The Death of John the Baptist
- The Feeding of the Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on the Water
- The Good Samaritan
- The Transfiguration
- Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
- Lost and Found
- The Prodigal Son
- The Unmerciful Servant
- Lazarus and the Rich Man
- The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Jesus and the Children
- The Rich Young Man
- Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
- Workers in the Vineyard
- The Wedding Feast
- The Wise and Foolish Maidens
- The Parable of the Talents
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem
- Jesus and the Temple Traders
- Judas Plots to Betray Jesus
- Preparing for the Passover
- The Last Supper
- The Garden of Gethsemane
- Peter's Denial
- Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
- Jesus Before Pilate
- The Crucifixion
- The Resurrection
- On the Road to Emmaus
- The Ascension
- The Early Church
- Tongues of Fire
- Peter the Healer
- The Death of Stephen
- Saul's Journey to Damascus
- Peter and Cornelius
- Peter in Prison
- Paul's Journeys
- The Adventures of Paul
- Paul Is Arrested
- Paul's Journey to Rome
- Paul's Letters
- The Book of Revelation
- Who's Who in the Bible Stories
- Index
- Acknowledgments
Review by Horn Book Review