- Subjects
- Published
Mineola, N.Y. :
Dover Publications
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Edition
- Dover edition
- Item Description
- Originally published: Boston : Little, Brown, 1919.
- Physical Description
- xi, 260 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
- 9780486428406
- Introduction
- 1.. Jenny Wren Arrives: Introducing the House Wren
- 2.. The Old Orchard Bully: The English or House Sparrow
- 3.. Jenny Has a Good Word for Some Sparrows: The Song, White-throated and Fox Sparrows
- 4.. Chippy, Sweetvoice, and Dotty: The Chipping, Vesper and Tree Sparrows
- 5.. Peter Learns Something He Hadn't Guessed: The Bluebird and the Robin
- 6.. An Old Friend in a New Home: The Phoebe and the Least Flycatcher
- 7.. The Watchman of the Old Orchard: The Kingbird and the Great Crested Flycatcher
- 8.. Old Clothes and Old Houses: The Wood Pewee and Some Nesting Places
- 9.. Longbill and Teeter: The Woodcock and the Spotted Sandpiper
- 10.. Redwing and Yellow Wing: The Red-winged Blackbird and the Golden-winged Flicker
- 11.. Drummers and Carpenters: The Downy, Hairy and Red-headed Woodpeckers
- 12.. Some Unlike Relatives: The Cowbird and the Baltimore Oriole
- 13.. More of the Blackbird Family: The Orchard Oriole and the Bobolink
- 14.. Bob White and Carol the Meadow Lark: The So-called Quail and the Meadow Lark
- 15.. A Swallow and One Who Isn't: The Tree Swallow and the Chimney Swift
- 16.. A Robber in the Old Orchard: The Purple Martin and the Barn Swallow
- 17.. More Robbers: The Crow and the Blue Jay
- 18.. Some Homes in the Green Forest: The Crow, the Oven Bird and the Redtailed Hawk
- 19.. A Maker of Thunder and a Friend in Black: The Ruffed Grouse and the Crow Blackbird
- 20.. A Fisherman Robbed: The Osprey and the Bald-headed Eagle
- 21.. A Fishing Party: The Great Blue Heron and the Kingfisher
- 22.. Some Feathered Diggers: The Bank Swallow, the Kingfisher and the Sparrow Hawk
- 23.. Some Big Mouths: The Nighthawk, the Whip-poor-will and Chuck-will's-widow
- 24.. The Warblers Arrive: The Redstart and the Yellow Warbler
- 25.. Three Cousins Quite Unlike: The Black and White Warbler, the Maryland Yellow-Throat and the Yellow-breasted Chat
- 26.. Peter Gets a Lame Neck: The Parula, Myrtle and Magnolia Warblers
- 27.. A New Friend and an Old One: The Cardinal and the Catbird
- 28.. Peter Sees Rosebreast and Finds Redcoat: The Rose-breasted Grosbeak and the Scarlet Tanager
- 29.. The Constant Singers: The Red-eyed, Warbling and Yellow-throated Vireos
- 30.. Jenny Wren's Cousins: The Brown Thrasher and the Mockingbird
- 31.. Voices of the Dusk: The Wood, Hermit and Wilson's Thrushes
- 32.. Peter Saves a Friend and Learns Something: The Towhee and the Indigo Bunting
- 33.. A Royal Dresser and a Late Nester: The Purple Linnet and the Goldfinch
- 34.. Mourner the Dove and Cuckoo: The Mourning Dove and the Yellow-billed Cuckoo
- 35.. A Butcher and a Hummer: The Shrike and the Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- 36.. A Stranger and a Dandy: The English Starling and the Cedar Waxwing
- 37.. Farewells and Welcomes: The Chickadee
- 38.. Honker and Dippy Arrive: The Canada Goose and the Loon
- 39.. Peter Discovers Two Old Friends: The White-breasted Nuthatch and the Brown Creeper
- 40.. Some Merry Seed-eaters: The Tree Sparrow and the Junco
- 41.. More Friends Come with the Snow: The Snow Bunting and the Horned Lark
- 42.. Peter Learns Something About Spooky: The Screech Owl
- 43.. Queer Feet and a Queerer Bill: The Ruffed Grouse and the Crossbills
- 44.. More Folks in Red: The Pine Grosbeak and the Redpoll
- 45.. Peter Sees Two Terrible Feathered Hunters: The Goshawk and the Great Horned Owl
- Index