Don't stop now

Julie Halpern, 1975-

Book - 2011

Recent high school graduates Lil and Josh leave Illinois for Oregon seeking Lil's sort-of friend Penny, who faked her own kidnapping to escape problems at home and an abusive boyfriend, but Lil also wants to find out if she and Josh are meant to be more than friends.

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Young Adult Area YOUNG ADULT FICTION/Halpern, Julie Checked In
New York : Feiwel and Friends 2011.
Main Author
Julie Halpern, 1975- (-)
1st ed
Physical Description
232 p. ; 22 cm
Contents unavailable.
Review by Booklist Review

Lillian and Josh have just graduated from high school, and though they plan to go their separate ways, right now they have the summer together. But Penny, a mutual acquaintance, has faked her own kidnapping, and only an obscure clue left on Lil's cell phone points to where she might be hiding. Lil and Josh decide a road trip from Chicago to Portland is the best way to find Penny and bring her home. Along the way, they max out a credit card, see the sights, and realize that their deep friendship might become something more. Halpern's novel of self-exploration is thoughtfully executed and similar in tone to Morgan Matson's Amy & Roger's Epic Detour (2010). Heavier scenes, including Penny's revelations of abuse, are well balanced with humor and entertaining road-trip experiences. The uncertainty of what the future holds will resonate with high-schoolers; reflecting the momentum of their journey, Lil and Josh travel through a haze of ambiguity about the present and take steps toward their future.--Moore, Meliss. Copyright 2010 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Halpern delivers a summer road-trip novel with dark undertones, suggestive of a John Hughes film in its humor, pathos, and keen eye for the teenage mindset. Lil, a recent high school graduate who breezed through her senior year, has just heard from her sort-of friend Penny, who has faked her own kidnapping. Pretending (to herself and others) that she doesn't know why Penny took off, Lil persuades her best friend Josh to drive to Portland, Ore., to find Penny. Armed with cheesy Wisconsin-themed T-shirts and a sense of adventure, Lil and Josh travel west, visiting strange roadside attractions and staying in even stranger hotels, while Lil wrestles with her longtime, unrequited love for Josh. There isn't much sense of mystery to the trip-painful passages from Penny's viewpoint make clear the reasons behind her departure, and they find her too easily-but Lil's strong narrative voice and banter-filled relationship with Josh are immediate draws. As she did in Get Well Soon and Into the Wild Nerd Yonder, Halpern demonstrates her skill in creating outsidery everyteens trying to make sense of their lives. Ages 13-up. (June) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
Review by School Library Journal Review

Gr 9 Up-It's the summer before college, and Lil is ready to take it easy. She has money from her bat mitzvah and a partner in crime: her best friend, Josh. Her plans are thwarted, though, when a high school acquaintance, awkward Penny, leaves a phone message for Lil saying only, "I did it," and disappears. Lil is torn between her desire for a drama-free summer and a conscience that won't let the message go. Calls from the missing girl's parents, the police, and the FBI don't help, either. Lil and Josh take matters into their own hands and try to find Penny themselves, helped by more phone messages from her. As the two drive from Chicago to Portland, OR, they try to figure out if they are just friends or more. Throughout, Penny's diary entries interrupt Lil's first-person narrative to paint a picture of an insecure young woman in an abusive relationship. When Josh and Lil finally find her, all three have changed in positive ways; however, their overall motivations don't make a lot of sense, so the book's resolution lacks impact. At times the story suffers from detailed accounts of the kitschy tourist traps the teens visit along the way, and Penny's heady story line never really gets the kind of attention it deserves. Still, Josh and Lil have the kind of carefree trip that many readers will find enviable and about which they will enjoy reading.-Jennifer Miskec, Longwood University, Farmville, VA (c) Copyright 2011. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Horn Book Review

When their friend Penny disappears the summer before starting college, Lillian and Josh take off on a road trip to find her. To complicate matters, Lil is in love with Josh, but he is afraid to ruin their friendship. Teens will enjoy this fast-paced coming-of-age story, and many will relate to the struggles faced by Lil and her friends. (c) Copyright 2011. The Horn Book, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright The Horn Book, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

A road trip from Chicago to Portland, Ore., in a Chevy Eurosport with Dad's credit card for expenses makes for a mildly enjoyable summer read.The trip's not really about Lillian's stated need to find Penny, who might have faked her own kidnapping.No, it's more about spending time with best friend Josh, who has never shown any romantic interest in Lillian, and enjoying a little freedom after graduation from high school and before the reality of college. Both Josh and Lillian enjoy the peculiar, and they aren't afraid to indulge their whims. As they proceed from the House on the Rock to various museums and roadside highlights such as Wall Drug, the two find themselves struggling with Lillian sexual attraction for the uninterested Josh.Through it all, Josh and Lillian manage to let their quest for Penny, who is less a friend than an obligation, keep them on the road and moving forward. The dialogue sounds true without being crude and repetitive, and readers will enjoy narrator Lillian's sharp wit. Credibility issuesthe lack of financial limitations, miraculously blas parents and the relative lack of interest from the authorities regarding Penny's whereaboutskeep this closer to fantasy than anything deeper.There is enough weirdness in this lighthearted road trip to keep it entertaining, although there is not quite enough depth or suspense to make it rise above the average.(Fiction. 14 up)]] Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

DON'T STOP NOW (CHAPTER ONE) I did it," Penny's voice whispers on my voicemail. Confused, I push the button to replay. "I did it." That's all she said. According to Robot Phone Woman Time Keeper, Penny called at exactly 4:47 a.m., a rather unacceptable time to call anyone on a Saturday morning, and most certainly not on the Saturday morning after the Friday that was our last day of high school EVER. Because it is the first Saturday of the rest of our lives, finally past all of the clique clack crud of high school, I allow myself to sleep past my mother's acceptable sleep hour of exactly 11:59 ("At least it's still morning") until 1:43 in the afternoon. Which makes me approximately nine hours too late to stop Penny. How did it become my responsibility to help this pathetic soul anyway? We weren't ever friends until this past year, and even then only by default. I had no choice really, unless I wanted to be a total hag by not asking her to join us at the Lunch Table of Misfit Toys, dubbed so by our paltry group of seniors in lunch period 8, who were so placed because we chose not to stress ourselves out with AP classes, resulting in a more pliable schedule for the admin to have their way with. Instead of the race for the maximum number of AP credits possible, I selected some easy, breezy in de pen dent studies of things I actually enjoy doing, like Creative Writing and Photo. Why bother with the AP BS anyway? So you can graduate college early? No thanks. I  breezed through my senior year like I plan to breeze through this summer, living off the fat of the land that is my bat mitzvah savings, and just chilling out. No worries. Or at least, that was the plan. "I did it." Who leaves a message like that? Who is so paranoid that they have to be so cryptic? If this wasn't day one of my Summer of Nothing, I might be in a hurry to figure this out. But first: breakfast. Or lunch, really. Snack? Lack, or lunk maybe. It is a bowl of cereal, what ever it is. I like to fancy myself a cereal connoisseur. Today, slightly out of it and in need of substance and energy, I mix some Frosted Mini-Wheats with Cookie Crisp, and throw in a few Craisins for fruit and texture. I shake up the skim milk, splash it on, toss around the cereal pieces with a spoon to make sure each piece is coated with milk, and plant myself in front of the computer. Then I second-guess it. Maybe I don't want my lunk interrupted by the possibility of more Penny drivel waiting on the other side of the screen, so I flip on the TV instead. An actual video is on MTV. Hip-hop or rap or something. Not my scene. But I can't help wishing I had a butt like that girl in the video. I wonder how she buys jeans, though. "I did it." It's like Penny's voice is floating out of my cereal from between the flakes and the crisps. How did she say it? It wasn't urgent or terrified, like someone calling 911 from under her bed as she waits for a killer to enter her room, nor was it excited or light or distracted or a million other adjectives I can think of. She just sounded flat, like the only reason she left the message at all was to keep a record of her existence. Before I call Penny, you know, just to clarify things, I decide to call my best friend, Josh. Although, if there's one person who can outsleep me, it's him, and I say this from experience. Sadly the experience is due to the fact that he and I are so platonic that his dad and my mom could give a ratturd if I sleep at his house or he sleeps at mine. On the couch, of course. So damn pathetic, then, that I am so madly in love with him. Cliché, touché, but true. I've spent four years waiting for something to happen between us that is more than just sharing a toothbrush when he forgets to bring his own. This summer is the last chance, before I head off to college and he heads off to tour Europe with his band or records the Next Big Thing album he always talks about or possibly moves to Saskatoon to hunt moose. He doesn't know where he'll go, but it sure isn't college. And it's most definitely not in any way, shape, or form dependent on anything I do or anywhere I go. But, damn, I wish it was. I decide to try and wake him. The phone only rings twice before Josh picks up. "Heeeyyyy." He sounds awake and happy to see me on the caller ID, which gives my stomach a buzz. I remember once at school when I was talking to some randomer, and Josh came out of the bathroom, me not expecting to see him there because he had Español at the time, and this randomer, upon seeing the two of us see each other, said, "It's like you guys haven't seen each other in weeks. That's how happy you look." And I thought, Him, too? "Good afternoon, sir. May I interest you in a pointless quest?" Josh and I like to go for long walks or drives with fake purposes and dub them quests. Once we spent an entire afternoon "looking for love in all the wrong places," like that super-lame old country song. We looked under rocks, at Ben & Jerry's, in the sand box at Stroger Park. I thought maybe, just maybe, he'd get the hint that love was standing right next to him in a cute pair of cut-off s, but Josh seemed to miss that somehow. "I'll meet you at Stroger in twenty. And I hope you don't mind, but I have evening stink." Josh isn't much of a fan of showering on a regular basis, which may put off some, but I prefer his sleep smell to some covered-up soap smell any day. I finish my cereal, drop the bowl in the sink, and tug on a blue bra, blue T-shirt, and jean shorts. Some days I like to be monochromed, just for the hell of it. I brush my teeth, tug my chin-length golden brown hair into a nub of a ponytail, shuffle my way into a pair of flip-flops, and I'm out the door. The air smells free. Free from class schedules and guidance counselors and hallway politics. High school hell is over. "I did it." Damn that message. Damn Penny for glomming her way into my life. I wish I didn't care. It's messing with my new freedom vibe.   Three blocks away is Stroger Park, big when I was little and little now that I'm, well, big. Two regular swings, a tire swing, two baby swings, a slide, a wall climb, some monkey bars, and plenty of woodchips to stick in your flip-flops. I always wondered, Why the woodchips? It seemed like there would be more woodchip-in-the-eye accidents than woodchips-as-saviors-for-falling-children incidents. Or maybe I just missed them because I was too busy, you know, being a kid. Josh hangs upside down from the monkey bars, shirtless (as is his summer look), his self-cut, shoulder-length brown hair dangling below him. I try not to ogle, but, damn, he looks amazing without a shirt. How do guys get to look so good without exercising or eating well at all? He's skinny, but not too skinny, and all nice and defined. I exhale a platonic sigh. "Hey, Lil," he calls and swings himself off the bars, stumbling onto the woodchips. Even graceless, he's gorgeous. "You smell that?" he asks as I approach him, and I sit down on the metal ladder to the monkey bars. "Well, what do you expect when you don't shower?" I ask. "No." He chuckles in his slow, slack way. He grabs the high bar closest to me and hangs himself so he can easily kick my knees with his ratty black Chucks. "Not me." He takes a huge sniff of air. "That. That smell. The rest of our lives." He grins big and I grin bigger. Our lives are going somewhere away from here. Like Penny, I remember. "I got a message. This morning. From Penny." "Poor little lamb." Josh always teases me about Penny because I befriended her out of pity, but he plays along, too. We're both too nice to let her go it alone. "What'd she say?" he asks me, still hanging. I ignore the shoes on my knees. "'I did it.'" I look up at him and whisper it the same way she whispered to my voicemail. "Did what?" he asks, but not curious enough. "It?" He laughs, although we both know she did it a long time ago, thanks to the pregnancy scare aftermath I had to clean up. "She told me she was going to do something the other night, before graduation. Only I was just half listening, and you know how morose she can be. Sometimes I just need to block her out if I want to have a bit of fun." Josh nods and lets the flappy rubber of his messed-up shoe tug on my knee. "So what did she do?" He's more interested now, and now that I've got an audience for the story, so am I. "If I heard her right..." I pause, adding to the tension of the tale I'm about to begin. "Well." Quizzical look. Pause. "I think she may have faked her own kidnapping." I hate gym class. I hate wearing this hideous green, too-thin, too-short, too-cold uniform. It stinks. My bad for not taking it home, but I don't even want it to touch my backpack. No one comes near me anyway, so what does it matter. I just wish these shorts weren't so short. Did the makeup cover that purple spot on my leg enough? God, I hope so. I hope no one asks about it. Not like they will. I wish the boys' gym classes were sharing the gym with us today. No, I don't. I look gross today. Bloated. Must be getting my period. I hope I'm getting my period. God, I hope I get it this time. I don't want Gavin to see me in these shorts. The bruise. Maybe he should see it. No. That might make him mad. Like I'm showing someone. Good thing the boys aren't in here. I'll just sit on the bleachers and hope Dr. Warren doesn't force me to play basketball. Usually if I make a pathetic enough face, she leaves me alone. What is she a doctor of, anyway? Basketball. Did she really go to medical school to just become a gym teacher? Oh, god. She's coming. She wants me to play. She wants me to be on the blue team. I hate the mesh smocks. Who knows who wore this before me? The blue team. At least there are some nicer people on it. Not those bitches who always laugh at me in the locker room. And in the hall. When I interrupt them talking to Gavin. What business do they have talking to Gavin? I would kill them all if I didn't know that Gavin loves me more than he could ever love anyone else. That's what he tells me. He wouldn't lie. This girl Lillian is on the blue team. She's so pretty. So tall. I wish I looked like her. I bet Gavin does, too. I bet she doesn't have a single problem in the world. Isn't she dating that guy Josh? He's so sweet to her in the halls. Arms around her. They look perfect together. Perfect height. Perfect bodies. Perfect lives. I wish I were her. DON'T STOP NOW Copyright (c) 2011 by Julie Halpern. Excerpted from Don't Stop Now by Julie Halpern All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.