Review by Choice Review
This large-format book is well organized and entertaining. Astronomy writer Schilling (e.g., Eyes on the Skies, CH, Jan'10, 47-2538; The Hunt for Planet X, CH, Jun'09, 46-5582) presents, in chronological order, 100 significant astronomical discoveries, beginning with Galileo's discovery in 1609 of mountains on the moon--the first astronomical use of the newly invented telescope. The last entry is the discovery in 2007 of the habitable exoplanet Gliese 581c, which involved the use of a very sensitive spectrograph on the 3.6-meter ESO telescope in Chile. Each entry is presented on two facing pages, with a large color image filling one page and a smaller image inset on the text page. This is a fine book for browsing, and the index enables quick lookups. Some readers may find the overuse of the present tense a bit confusing at times. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-division undergraduates and general readers. M. Dickinson formerly, Maine Maritime Academy
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