The Iliad


Book - 2011

A new translation of Homer's ancient masterpiece endeavors to instill the poetic nature of its original language while retaining accuracy, readability, and character vibrancy.

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New York : Free Press 2011.
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Main Author
Homer (-)
First Free Press hardcover edition
Physical Description
lxiii, 466 pages : map ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 463-464).
  • Introduction
  • About the Greek Text
  • About This Translation
  • On the Pronunciation of Greek Names
  • Map
  • The Iliad
  • Book 1. The quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles. Achilles withdraws from the war and sends his mother, Thetis, to beg Zeus to help the Trojans. Zeus agrees. (Day 1, after nine days of plague, through day 14.)
  • Book 2. Agamemnon tests the troops, who immediately disperse. Odysseus restores order. Thersítes insults Agamemnon and is thrashed by Odysseus. The Achaeans march to battle. The Catalogue of Ships: lists of the Achaean and Trojan forces. (Night before day 15; day 15.)
  • Book 3. Paris challenges Menelaus to single combat. Helen and Priam observe the Achaean commanders from the wall of Troy. The two armies declare a truce and take a solemn oath not to break it. When Paris is defeated, Aphrodite saves him and carries him back to the palace. Paris and Helen in their bedroom
  • Book 4. Zeus quarrels with Hera and Athena, then sends Athena to Troy to break the truce. She persuades Pandarus to shoot an arrow at Menelaus. Agamemnon sends for Macháon to heal his brother, then visits the commanders, praising some and rebuking others. The two armies fight
  • Book 5. The exploits of Diomedes. He kills Pandarus and wounds Aeneas. Aphrodite rescues Aeneas but is wounded by Diomedes. Ares encourages the Trojans, and Aeneas, cured by Apollo, returns to the battle. Athena and Hera help the Achaeans, and Diomedes wounds Ares.
  • Book 6. The encounter between Glaucus and Diomedes. Hector returns to Troy and speaks with Hecuba, Helen, Paris, and finally Andromache. Hector and Paris return to the fighting.
  • Book 7. The combat between Hector and Ajax. Hector is losing when night comes on and the combat is halted. The burial of the dead. The Achaeans build a defensive wall and trench around their ships. (Night before day 16; days 16 and 17.)
  • Book 8. Zeus forbids the gods to intervene in the war. Hector, inspired by Zeus, drives the Achaeans back behind their wall. Hera and Athena go to help the Achaeans, but Zeus sends Iris to intercept them. Hectors triumph is ended by the arrival of night. The Trojans bivouac on the plain. (Day 18.)
  • Book 9. The embassy to Achilles. Odysseus, Phoenix, and Ajax in turn try to persuade him to accept Agamemnon's gifts of reconciliation and return to the war, but Achilles refuses. (Evening of day 18.)
  • Book 11*. The exploits of Agamemnon. He drives the Trojans back until he is wounded. Hector is hit by Diomedes, who is then wounded by Paris. Odysseus is wounded as well. Nestor urges Patroclus to enter the battle. (Day 19.)
  • Book 12. The Trojans attack the Achaeans' wall. Hector breaks through it, and the Trojans swarm in. The Achaeans retreat to their ships.
  • Book 13. Poseidon rallies the Achaeans. The exploits of Idómeneus. Hector rallies the Trojans.
  • Book 14. Discussion between Nestor and the three wounded Achaean commanders. Hera seduces Zeus and puts him to sleep. In his absence, Poseidon rallies the Achaeans. Ajax wounds Hector.
  • Book 15. Zeus wakes up and orders Poseidon to leave the battlefield. Apollo heals Hector and smashes the Achaean wall. The Trojans push the Achaeans back among their ships.
  • Book 16. Patroclus gets Achilles' permission to borrow his armor and march out at the head of the Myrmidon troops. The Trojans set Protesiláüs's ship on fire. Patroclus leads the Myrmidons into battle and drives back the Trojans, but is killed by Euphárbus and Hector, with Apollo's help.
  • Book 17. The battle around Patroclus's body.
  • Book 18. Achilles'grief over Patroclus. Thetis goes to Hephaestus, who creates magnificent new armor for Achilles.
  • Book 19. Achilles is reconciled with Agamemnon, puts on the armor, and goes out to fight. (Day 20.)
  • Book 20. The gods hold a council. A combat between Achilles and Aeneas is interrupted by Poseidon, who saves Aeneas. Achilles kills many Trojans.
  • Book 21. The battle between Achilles and the river Scamander. The gods fight among themselves. Achilles drives the Trojans inside their wall.
  • Book 22. Achilles chases Hector around the wall of Troy and finally kills him, with Athena's help.
  • Book 23. The funeral ofPatroclus and the funeral games. (Evening of day 20 through day 22.)
  • Book 24. Zeus commands Achilles to return HectorÆs body and commands Priam to go to Achilles' hut with a large ransom. Priam is led to the hut by Hermes. The encounter between Priam and Achilles. The funeral of Hector. (Evening of day 22 through day 45.)
  • Appendix: Book 10
  • Notes on the Introductory Sections
  • Notes on the Translation
  • Notes on the Greek Text
  • Pronouncing Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgments