- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Oxford University Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- xxi, 280 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9780199890262
- I. How are we taxed?
- 1. The view from 35,000 feet
- a. Why is everyone always so worked up about taxation?
- b. What is a tax?
- c. What are the major kinds of taxes?
- d. How are taxes like ducks?
- e. Are there "hidden" taxes?
- f. Are there ways to raise revenue other than taxes?
- g. How can regulations be like taxes?
- h. How have taxes changed over time?
- i. How do they vary across states?
- j. How do tax burdens vary around the world?
- k. How does the composition of tax change between fed, state, and local?
- l. Federal taxes in the US have been at about 18 percent of GDP for 50 years. Does that mean that this is the natural rate of taxation?
- m. Why is the long-term fiscal outlook so dire?
- 2. Personal Income Taxes
- a. What's the difference between a personal tax and a business tax?
- i. Why do economists say that it doesn't matter who actually pays a tax?
- ii. Aren't there cases in practice where it does matter who writes the check?
- b. What is the personal income tax?
- i. What's the difference between a credit, deduction, and exemption?
- ii. What's a refundable tax credit?
- 1. What are the biggest refundable credits?
- iii. Is it true that most people don't pay income taxes?
- 1. Who are they? Why does it happen?
- 2. Is that bad for democracy?
- c. Do we tax capital income as much as labor income?
- i. What's the effect of tax breaks for pensions and retirement accounts?
- ii. How do we tax capital gains and dividends? Why do we do it that way?
- iii. Would a Scandinavian style dual income tax make more sense?
- iv. Are there other better options to lessen the tax burden on capital?
- d. What is "economic income" Why don't we tax that?
- i. You want to tax my imputed rent?????
- e. What is the AMT?
- i. Where the heck did it come from and why is it so hard to get rid of?
- f. Does Uncle Sam really want you to live in sin?
- g. How does inflation affect the income tax?
- h. What are payroll taxes, and how are they different from income taxes?
- 3. Business Income Taxes
- a. How do we tax corporations' income?
- b. Why tax corporations?
- c. Corporations earn trillions of dollars every year. Why do they pay so little tax?
- i. Who pays the corporate income tax?
- ii. Why is it hard to tell who ultimately bears the burden of the corporate income tax?
- d. Why do economist say that we "double tax" corporation income?
- i. What are the impacts of double-taxing corporate income?
- ii. What would happen if we just eliminated the corporate income tax?
- e. How can some companies get away with paying no income tax despite billions in profits?
- i. Why is it troublesome that some companies view their tax departments as profit centers?
- f. What is depreciation?
- i. Why not let businesses write off their investments right away?
- ii. What is "bonus depreciation?"
- iii. What are investment tax credits?
- g. Are there implicit spending programs run through the corporate income tax too?
- i. Why do we have ethanol tax subsidies, oil and gas special tax breaks, etc.?
- h. What are tax havens?
- i. What is a foreign tax credit? Why are they allowed?
- i. Why do we try to tax corporations on their worldwide income? Why not follow the practice in most of Europe and simply exempt foreign income from tax?
- ii. What is transfer pricing? Why is it important to multinationals (and taxpayers)?
- iii. What is formulary apportionment? Would that be a better option?
- j. What are the others ways business income is taxed?
- i. What is an S-corporation, LLC, etc?
- ii. How are partnerships and sole proprietorships taxed?
- 4. Taxing Spending
- a. What is a consumption tax?
- b. What is a retail sales tax?
- c. What is a luxury tax?
- d. What is an excise tax?
- i. What is a sin tax?
- e. What is a VAT?
- i. Why doesn't the US have one?
- ii. Would it be more complex in the US because of state sales taxes?
- iii. Does a VAT promote exports?
- iv. Is it self-enforcing?
- f. What is the flat tax?
- i. Wouldn't a flat tax be super simple and fair?
- ii. Is the flat tax advocates call for in the US the same as has been introduced around the world?
- g. What is the X-tax?
- h. Do consumption taxes disproportionately burden the elderly, or the poor?
- i. What can be done about that?
- 5. Other Kinds Of Taxes
- a. What is the difference between an estate and an inheritance tax?
- b. What are wealth taxes?
- c. What is the property tax?
- d. What is a gross receipts tax?
- e. What is a lump-sum tax?
- f. Why do economists like the idea of a poll tax or a tax on ability?
- i. Does this explain why people don't like economists?
- II. The costs and benefits of taxation
- 6. Taxes And The Economy
- a. How do taxes affect the economy?
- b. Why do economists think that most taxes cost much more than their sticker price?
- c. Do some taxes help the economy?
- i. Some discussion of carbon taxes, cap and trade, and the relative advantages of each
- d. Is it ever a good idea to run deficits?
- e. What are built-in stabilizers?
- f. Which is a better economic stimulus during an economic downturn, tax cuts or spending?
- g. What kind of tax cuts are the best stimulus?
- h. When interest rates are low, why not run giant deficits?
- i. If people care about their children, won't they just save more to make up for any deficits? I.e., do deficits matter at all?
- j. What kind of tax system is most conducive to economic growth?
- k. Is there a trade-off between economic growth and other objectives, like fairness?
- l. Why do smart, serious people disagree about optimal tax policy?
- m. How do taxes affect international competitiveness (and what does that mean)?
- i. Are some taxes "job killers," and others "job creators"?
- ii. Do taxes affect where companies locate their headquarters?
- iii. Do they affect the balance of trade?
- n. What is "trickle-down" economics?
- o. What is the Laffer curve? Can tax cuts pay for themselves?
- p. How do taxes affect working and saving?
- q. How do they affect entrepreneurship?
- r. How do they affect research and innovation?
- s. Does it matter if our tax rates are higher than other countries'?
- 7. The Hidden Welfare State
- a. Are a trillion dollars in middle class entitlement programs really hidden in the tax code?
- b. How should we decide whether to run a subsidy through the tax system? How do we do it in practice?
- c. Is the budget process biased in favor of tax expenditures compared with direct spending?
- d. Does the income tax subsidize housing?
- e. Does the income tax subsidize health spending?
- f. Why not subsidize everything?
- g. Isn't it a good idea to reward people (and businesses) for good behavior?
- h. Are there too many tax expenditures?
- 8. The Burden Of Taxation
- a. What makes a tax system fair?
- b. Why is the there often a trade-off between fairness and efficiency?
- c. What is the burden of taxation? Why is it hard to measure?
- d. What is the burden of deficits?
- e. How is the tax burden distributed?
- f. Is a progressive tax system class warfare?
- 9. Tax Adminstration And Enforcement
- a. How does tax remittance and collection work?
- b. How much does it cost the IRS to run the US tax system?
- c. Why does the IRS like e-filing?
- d. What is tax withholding? Can it be extended to other forms of income?
- e. What is information reporting?
- f. Why do people cheat on their taxes? Why do they comply?
- g. How much cheating is there?
- h. Why are some taxes easier to evade than others?
- i. Is the income tax constitutional?
- j. What's the DIF? (Who gets audited?)
- k. How much more tax could the IRS collect with better enforcement?
- l. Why not audit everyone?
- m. Would a VAT be self-enforcing?
- n. Are refundable tax credits especially prone to tax evasion?
- m. What are tax shelters?
- n. Should I get a tax refund?
- o. Do most people get tax refunds?
- p. How many people use tax preparers?
- q. Why is the tax system so complex?
- i. How should tax complexity be measured?
- ii. How high are the costs of compliance?
- iii. Who benefits from tax complexity?
- iv. Do fewer tax brackets promote simplicity?
- v. What are phase-outs and phase-ins?
- vi. Why is there a trade-off between simplicity and other goals?
- r. What are the consequences of the Internet for the tax system?
- a. Should states be able to tax internet and mail-order sales from other states?
- s. If almost everyone uses tax software or paid preparers, why should we care about complexity?
- III. A tour of the sausage factory
- 10. Tax Politics
- a. What does the public know about taxes?
- b. What does the public think about taxes?
- c. How does do new taxes get enacted?
- d. How does the tax sausage get made? (House and Senate rules)
- e. What is the "two Santa Claus" theory?
- f. What is the "starve the beast" strategy?
- i. Is there evidence that it has worked?
- g. Is the system biased in favor of tax expenditures?
- h. What is dynamic scoring?
- i. Raise taxes, or cut spending?
- 11. Tax Rhetoric
- a. How to recognize Fool's Gold tax reform plans?
- i. Fairtax
- ii. Flat tax
- iii. Ryan's optional alternative tax
- iv. Financial transaction tax (securities transfer tax)
- b. What are would-be tax reformers favorite clichés (and do they help advance the goal)?
- i. "level playing field"
- ii. "neutral"
- iii. "broad-based, low-rate"
- iv. "competitive"
- v. "job creator"
- vi. "pro-growth"
- vii. "simpler"
- 12. Tax Reform
- a. Is the broadest base always the best base?
- b. Which level of government should levy, and collect, taxes?
- c. How should federal and state taxes be coordinated?
- d. Does the framing of taxes affect behavior?
- e. What is a revenue-neutral tax change?
- f. Should tax reform and deficit reduction be separated?
- g. Could most taxpayers be spared any filing requirement (as in the UK)?
- h. Could the IRS fill out our tax returns for us?
- i. Would simplifying tax compliance be unfair to H&R Block and Intuit?
- i. The bizarre story of California's experiment with pre-filled returns
- j. Are there some sensible tax reform ideas?
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