- Subjects
- Published
Detroit :
Greenhaven Press
- Language
- English
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- 228 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9780737763065
- ch. 1. Does the criminal justice system need reform? The federal criminal justice system works well for trying terrorists / Karen Greenberg
- May it please the court / Sasha Abramsky
- Drug courts are not a positive reform to the criminal justice system / Nastassia Walsh
- Racial disparities in the criminal justice system need to be addressed / Marc Mauer
- There is no evidence of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system / John Perazzo
- ch. 2. What Is the state of the incarceration system in the United States? Greater incarceration and a change in culture explain the decline in crime / James Q. Wilson
- The benefits of mass incarceration are outweighed by the negative effects / Bruce Western
- Restorative justice is a good alternative to incarceration / Patrice Gaines
- Probation and parole are good alternatives to incarceration / America
- There are high costs to incarceration alternatives / Thomas Sowell
- ch. 3. Should sentencing laws be reformed? The death penalty should be abolished / John W. Whitehead
- The death penalty should not be abolished / David Muhlhausen
- Life-without-parole sentences are constitutional, even for juveniles / Charles D. Stimson and Andrew M. Grossman
- Life-without-parole sentences should be eliminated / Ashley Nellis
- Swift and certain punishment works better than severe sentences / Mark Kleiman, as told to Zach Weissmueller
- Mandatory minimum sentences are ineffective / Marc Mauer
- ch. 4. What rights should be a part of the criminal justice system? Terrorist suspects should have a right to Miranda warnings / America
- Terrorist suspects should not have a right to Miranda warnings / Charles Krauthammer
- The right to adequate legal defense is not being met for the poor / Vanessa Gregory
- Defendants should have the right to choose their own defense attorneys / Stephen J. Schulhofer and David D. Friedman
- Plea bargainihng violates the right to a jury trial / Timothy Lynch.