3. The Rule of Capital over Labour and the Motives of the Capitalist
4. The Accumulation of Capitals and the Competition Amongst the Capitalists
Rent of Land
[Estranged Labour]
[Antithesis of Capital and Labour. Landed Property and Capital]
[Private Property and Labour. Views of the Merchantile System and Physiocracy, Adam Smith, Ricardo and His School]
[Private Property and Communism. Various Stages of Development of Communist Views. Crude, Equalitarian Communism and Communism as Socialism Coinciding with Humaneness]
[The Meaning of Human Requirements Where There Is Private Property and Under Socialism. The Difference Between Extravagant Wealth and Industrial Wealth. Division of Labour in Bourgeois Society]
[The Power of Money in Bourgeois Society]
[Critique of the Hegelian Dialectic and Philosophy as a Whole]