- Subjects
- Published
New York :
Persea Books
- Language
- English
German - Main Author
- Other Authors
- Item Description
- "A Karen and Michael Braziller book."
"Revised and expanded." - Physical Description
- xxxiv, 366 pages ; 21 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
- 9780892552757
- from Mohn Und Gedachtnis (1952)
- Talglicht = Tallow Lamp
- Die Hand voller Stunden = Your hand full of hours
- Dein Haar ubern Meer = Your Hair above the Sea
- Espenbaum = Aspen tree
- Das Geheimnis der Farne = The Secret of the Ferns
- Der Sand aus den Urnen = Sand from the Urns
- Die letzte Fahne = The Last Flag
- Ein Knirschen von eisernen Schuhn = In the cherry tree's branches
- Das Gastmahl = The Banquet
- Erinnerung an Frankreich = Memory of France
- Chanson einer Dame im Schatten = Chanson of a Lady in the Shade
- Nachtstrahl = Night Ray
- Die Jahre von dir zu mir = The Years from You to Me
- Corona = Corona
- Todesfuge = Death Fugue
- Ins Nebelhorn = Into the Foghorn
- Vom Blau = I am the first
- Kristall = Crystal
- Totenhemd = Shroud
- Der Reisekamerad = The Travelling Companion
- Augen = Eyes
- Landschaft = Landscape
- Zahle die Mandeln = Count the almonds
- from Von Schwelle Zu Schwelle (1955)
- Von Dunkel zu Dunkel = From Darkness to Darkness
- Grabschrift fur Francois = Epitaph for Francois
- Assisi = Assisi
- Auch heute abend = This Evening Also
- Vor einer Kerze = In Front of a Candle
- Mit wechselndem Schlussel = With a Variable Key
- Nachtlich geschurtz = Nocturnally Pouting
- Auge der Zeit = Time's Eye
- In Memoriam Paul Eluard = In Memoriam Paul Eluard
- Schibboleth = Shibboleth
- Spirch auch du = Speak, You Also
- Argumentum e Silentio = Argumentum e Silentio
- Die Winzer = The Vintagers
- Inselhin = Isleward
- from Sprachgitter (1959)
- Zuversicht = Confidence
- Mit Brief und Uhr = With Letter and Clock
- Unter ein Bild = Under a Picture
- Heimkehr = Homecoming
- Unten = Below
- Tenebrae = Tenebrae
- Blume = Flower
- Weiß und Leicht = White and Light
- Sprachgitter = Language Mesh
- Schneebett = Snow-Bed
- Nacht = Night
- Matiere de Bretagne = Matiere de Bretagne
- Schuttkahn = Rubble Barge
- Allerseelen = All Souls
- Entwurf einer Landschaft = Draft of a Landscape
- Oben, gerauschlos = Voiceless, above
- Niedrigwasser = Low Water
- Ein Auge, offen = An Eye, Open
- Engfuhrung = The Straitening
- from Die Niemandsrose (1963)
- Es war Erde in ihnen = There was earth inside them
- Bei Wein und Verlorenheit = Over wine and lostness
- Zurich, zum Storchen = Zurich, the Stork Inn
- Soviel Gestirne = So many constellations
- Dein/Hinubersein = Your/being beyond
- Zu beiden Handen = On both hands
- Zwolfe Jahre = Twelve Years
- Mit allen Gedanken = With all my thoughts
- Die Schleuse = The Lock Gate
- Stumme Herbstgeruche = Dumb autumn smells
- Eis, Eden = Ice, Eden
- Psalm = Psalm
- Tubingen, Janner = Tubingen, January
- Chymisch = Alchemical
- ...rauscht der Brunnen = ...plaster the fountain
- Es ist nicht mehr = It is no longer
- Radix, Matrix = Radix, Matrix
- Mandorla = Mandorla
- An niemand geschmeigt = Cheek nestled up
- Zweihausig, Ewiger = Two-housed, external one
- A la Pointe Aceree = A la Pointe Aceree
- Die hellen/Steine = The bright/stones
- Anabasis = Anabasis
- Nachmittag mit Zirkus und Zitadelle = Afternoon with Circus and Citadel
- Bei Tag = In the Daytime
- Kermorvan = Kermorvan
- Ich habe Bambus geschnitten = I have cut bamboo
- Was geschah? = What occurred?
- In eins = In One
- Hinausgekront = Crowned out
- Les Globes = Les Globes
- Huttenfenster = Tabernacle Window
- Es ist alles anders = Everything's different
- In der Luft = In the air
- from Atemwende (1967)
- Wege in. Schatten-Gebrach = Ways in the Shadow-Rockslide
- Stehen = To Stand
- Mit den Verfolgten = Pledged to the persecuted
- Fadensonnen = Thread suns
- Im Schlangenwagen = In the snake carriage
- Wortaufschuttung = Piling-on of words
- Weggebeizt = Etched away
- Keine Sandkunst mehr = No more sand art
- Als uns das Weiße anfiel = When whiteness attached us
- Hohles Lebensgehoft = Hollow homestead of life
- Am weißen Gebetriemen = On the white prayer-thong
- Erblinde = Go blind
- Unter die Haut = Sewn under the skin
- Landschaft = Landscape
- Die Gauklertrommel = The juggler's drum
- Schwarz = Black
- Wenn du im Bett = When you lie
- In Prag = In Prague
- Das Geschriebene = That which was written
- Cello-Einsatz = Cello entry
- Konigswut = King's rage
- Solve = Solve
- Coagula = Coagula
- Osterqualm = Thick Easter smoke
- Ein Drohnen = A rumbling
- Give the Word = Give the Word
- Große, gluhende Wolbung = Vast, glowing vault
- Dunstbander-, Spruchbander-Aufstand = Uprising of smoke banners, word banners
- Einmal = Once
- from Fadensonnen (1968)
- Ewigkeiten = Eternities
- Du warst = You were
- Zur Rechten = To my right
- Mowenkuken = Gull chicks
- Irisch = Irish
- Tau = Dew
- ...auch keinerlei = ...and no kind of
- Machte, Gewalten = Powers, Dominions
- Denk dir = Think of it
- from Lichtzwang (1970)
- Du Liegst = In the great
- Horreste, Sehreste = Scraps of heard, of seen things
- Ihn ritt die Nacht = Night rode him
- Mit Mikrolithen = Hands
- Wir lagen = We were lying
- Was uns = That which
- Bei Brancusi, zu zweit = At Brancusi's, the Two of Us
- Todtnauberg = Todtnauberg
- Jetzt = Now
- Einem Bruder in Asien = For a Brother in Asia
- Wie du = How You
- Highgate = Highgate
- Ich kann dich noch sehn = I can still see you
- Die Ewigkeiten = The eternities
- Die Irin = The Irishwoman
- Kein Halbholz = Now more half-wood
- Oranienstraße I = Oranienstraße I
- Brunnenartig = Submerged
- Fahlstimmig = Fallow-voiced
- Sperriges Morgen = Obstructive tommorow
- Streu Ocker = Sprinkle ochre
- Schaltjahrhunderte = Leap-centuries
- Wirk nicht voraus = Do not work ahead
- from Schneepart (1971)
- Brunnengraber = Well-digger
- Das angebrochene Jahr = The broached year
- Unlesbarkeit = Illegibility
- Huriges Sonst = Whorish othertime
- Ich hore, die Axt hat gebluht = I hear that the axe has flowered
- Mit der Stimme der Feldmaus = With the voice of a fieldmouse
- Die nachzustotternde Welt = World to be stuttered by heart
- Eingejannert = Januaried
- Largo = Largo
- Mapesbury Road = Mapesbury Road
- Ein Blatt = A leaf
- Bergung = Salvaging
- from Zeitgehoft (1976)
- Wanderstaude = Walking Plant
- Erst wenn = Not until
- Alle die Schlafgestalten = All those sleep shades
- Kleine Nacht = Little Night
- Ich albere = I fool about
- Ein Stern = A star
- Die Posaunenstelle = The trumpet part
- Die Pole = The poles
- Postcript
- Translator's Note on "Wolfsbohne"
- Wolfsbohne = Wolf's-Bean
- On Translating Celan.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review