Getting things done The art of stress-free productivity

David Allen, 1945 December 28-

Book - 2015

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New York City : Penguin Books [2015]
Main Author
David Allen, 1945 December 28- (-)
Revised edition
Item Description
Includes index.
Physical Description
317 pages
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword
  • Introduction to the Revised Edition
  • Welcome to Getting Things Done
  • Part 1. The Art of Getting Things Done
  • Chapter 1. A New Practice for a New Reality
  • Chapter 2. Getting Control of Your Life: The Five Steps of Mastering Workflow
  • Chapter 3. Getting Projects Creatively Under Way: The Five Phases of Project Planning
  • Part 2. Practicing Stress-Free Productivity
  • Chapter 4. Getting Started: Setting Up the Time, Space, and Tools
  • Chapter 5. Capturing: Corralling Your "Stuff"
  • Chapter 6. Clarifying: Getting "In" to Empty
  • Chapter 7. Organizing: Setting Up the Right Buckets
  • Chapter 8. Reflecting: Keeping It All Fresh and Functional
  • Chapter 9. Engaging: Making the Best Action Choices
  • Chapter 10. Getting Projects Under Control
  • Part 3. The Power of the Key Principles
  • Chapter 11. The Power of the Capturing Habit
  • Chapter 12. The Power of the Next-Action Decision
  • Chapter 13. The Power of Outcome Focusing
  • Chapter 14. GTD and Cognitive Science
  • Chapter 15. The Path of GTD Mastery
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix: Glossary of Getting Things Done Terms
  • Index
Review by Booklist Review

Allen, a management consultant and executive coach, provides insights into attaining maximum efficiency and at the same time relaxing whenever one needs or wants to. Readers learn that there is no single means for perfecting organizational efficiency or productivity; rather, the author offers tools to focus energies strategically and tactically without letting anything fall through the cracks. He provides tips, techniques, and tricks for implementation of his workflow management plan, which has two basic components: capture all the things that need to get done into a workable, dependable system; and discipline oneself to make front-end decisions with an action plan for all inputs into that system. In short, do it (quickly), delegate it (appropriately), or defer it. While an infomercial for the author's consulting practice, this road map for organizational efficiency may help many who have too much to do in too little time, both professionally and in their personal lives. --Mary Whaley

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Library Journal Review

Productivity guru Allen (Ready for Anything) here updates his classic 2001 work on productivity, adding new insights and perspectives on the nature of today's workplace that is dramatically different from that of 2001. Additionally, he provides new discussions on the impact of social media on daily life. His high-level approach to organizing professional work and personal life is based on five fundamental steps, including capture (collect what has your attention), clarify (process what it means), organize (put it where it belongs), reflect (review frequently), and engage (do). Allen's detailed approach to personal productivity is structured in a complex methodology that he proudly emphasizes he will not simplify. He also acknowledges that totally investing in his ideas is a long journey that doesn't tolerate shortcuts. The author's clear, steady narration will help listeners maintain focus. This serious approach to self-improvement surpasses other, simpler works that stress lower levels of concern regarding time management. Allen's classic work nicely complements Stephen Covey's more philosophical The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. VERDICT Recommended for listeners who are serious about taking charge of their lives.-Dale -Farris, Groves, TX © Copyright 2016. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements part 1 - The Art of Getting Things Done Chapter 1 - A New Practice for a New Reality Chapter 2 - Getting Control of Your Life: The Five Stages of Mastering Workflow Chapter 3 - Getting Projects Creatively Under Way: The Five Phases of Project Planning part 2 - Practicing Stress-Free Productivity Chapter 4 - Getting Started: Setting Up the Time, Space, and Tools Chapter 5 - Collection: Corralling Your "Stuff" Chapter 6 - Processing: Getting "In" to Empty Chapter 7 - Organizing: Setting Up the Right Buckets Chapter 8 - Reviewing: Keeping Your System Functional Chapter 9 - Doing: Making the Best Action Choices Chapter 10 - Getting Projects Under Control part 3 - The Power of the Key Principles Chapter 11 - The Power of the Collection Habit Chapter 12 - The Power of the Next-Action Decision Chapter 13 - The Power of Outcome Focusing Conclusion Index Praise for Getting Things Done "The Season's Best Reads for Work-Life Advice . . . my favorite on organizing your life: Getting Things Done . . . offers help building the new mental skills needed in an age of multitasking and overload." --Sue Shellenbarger, The Wall Street Journal "I recently attended David's seminar on getting organized, and after seeing him in action I have hope . . . David Allen's seminar was an eye-opener." --Stewart Alsop, Fortune "Allen drops down from high-level philosophizing to the fine details of time management. Take a minute to check this one out." --Mark Henricks, Entrepreneur "David Allen's productivity principles are rooted in big ideas . . . but they're also eminently practical." --Keith H. Hammonds, Fast Company "David Allen brings new clarity to the power of purpose, the essential nature of relaxation, and deceptively simple guidelines for getting things done. He employs extensive experience, personal stories, and his own recipe for simplicity, speed, and fun." --Frances Hesselbein, chairman, board of governors, The Drucker Foundation "Anyone who reads this book can apply this knowledge and these skills in their lives for immediate results." --Stephen P. Magee, chaired professor of business and economics, University of Texas at Austin "A true skeptic of most management fixes, I have to say David's program is a winner!" --Joline Godfrey, CEO, Independent Means, Inc. and author of Our Wildest Dreams " Getting Things Done describes an incredibly practical process that can help busy people regain control of their lives. It can help you be more successful. Even more important, it can help you have a happier life!" --Marshall Goldsmith, coeditor, The Leader of the Future and Coaching for Leadership "WARNING: Reading Getting Things Done can be hazardous to your old habits of procrastination. David Allen's approach is refreshingly simple and intuitive. He provides the systems, tools, and tips to achieve profound results." --Carola Endicott, director, Quality Resources, New England Medical Center PENGUIN BOOKS GETTING THINGS DONE David Allen has been called one of the world's most influential thinkers on productivity and has been a keynote speaker and facilitator for such organizations as New York Life, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, L.L. Bean, and the U.S. Navy, and he conducts workshops for individuals and organizations across the country. He is the president of The David Allen Company and has more than twenty years experience as a management consultant and executive coach. His work has been featured in Fast Company, Fortune, the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal , and many other publications. Getting Things Done has been published in twelve foreign countries. David Allen lives in Ojai, California. PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - 110 017, India Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, Cnr Rosedale and Airborne Roads, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. 2001 Published in Penguin Books 2003 Copyright © David Allen, 2001 All rights reserved eISBN : 978-1-101-12849-7 1. Time management. 2. Self-management (Psychology). I. Title. BF637.T5 A45 2001 646.7--dc21 00-043757 Stemen For Kathryn, my extraordinary partner in life and work Acknowledgments Many mentors, partners, colleagues, staff, and friends have contributed over the years to my understanding and development of the principles in Getting Things Done. George Mayer, Michael Bookbinder, Ted Drake, Dean Acheson, and Russell Bishop played key roles along my path of personal and professional growth. Ron Medved, Sally McGhee, Leslie Boyer, Tom Boyer, Pam Tarrantine, and Kelly Forrister contributed in their own ways to my work as it matured. In addition, tens of thousands of clients and workshop participants have helped validate and fine-tune these models. Particular thanks go to the senior human resource strategists who early on recognized the significance of this material in changing their corporate cultures, and who gave me the opportunity to do that--in particular: Michael Winston, Ben Cannon, Susan Valaskovic, Patricia Carlyle, Manny Berger, Carola Endicott, Klara Sztucinski, and Elliott Kellman. The administrative and moral support that Shar Kanan and Andra Carasso gave me over many years was priceless. This book itself could not have happened the way it has without the unique energies and perspectives of Tom Hagan, John and Laura McBride, Steve Lewers, Doe Coover, Greg Stikeleather, Steve Shull, and Marian Bateman. And much credit is due my editor, Janet Goldstein, who has been a marvelous (and patient) instructor in the art and craft of book writing. Finally, deepest thanks go to my spiritual coach, J-R, for being such an awesome guide and consistent reminder of my real priorities; and to my incredible wife, Kathryn, for her trust, love, hard work, and the beauty she has brought into my life. Welcome to Getting Things Done WELCOME TO A gold mine of insights into strategies for how to have more energy, be more relaxed, and get a lot more accomplished with much less effort. If you're like me, you like getting things done and doing them well, and yet you also want to savor life in ways that seem increasingly elusive if not downright impossible if you're working too hard. This doesn't have to be an either-or proposition. It is possible to be effectively doing while you are delightfully being, in your ordinary workaday world. I think efficiency is a good thing. Maybe what you're doing is important, interesting, or useful; or maybe it isn't but it has to be done anyway. In the first case you want to get as much return as you can on your investment of time and energy. In the second, you want to get on to other things as fast as you can, without any nagging loose ends. And whatever you're doing, you'd probably like to be more relaxed, confident that whatever you're doing at the moment is just what you need to be doing--that having a beer with your staff after hours, gazing at your sleeping child in his or her crib at midnight, answering the e-mail in front of you, or spending a few informal minutes with the potential new client after the meeting is exactly what you ought to be doing, as you're doing it. ------------------------------ The art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of our great men. --Captain J. A. Hatfield ------------------------------ Teaching you how to be maximally efficient and relaxed, whenever you need or want to be, was my main purpose in writing this book. I have searched for a long time, as you may have, for answers to the questions of what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. And after twenty-plus years of developing and applying new methods for personal and organizational productivity, alongside years of rigorous exploration in the self-development arena, I can attest that there is no single, once-and-for-all solution. No software, seminar, cool personal planner, or personal mission statement will simplify your workday or make your choices for you as you move through your day, week, and life. What's more, just when you learn how to enhance your productivity and decision-making at one level, you'll graduate to the next accepted batch of responsibilities and creative goals, whose new challenges will defy the ability of any simple formula or buzzword-du-jour to get you what you want, the way you want to get it. But if there's no single means of perfecting personal organization and productivity, there are things we can do to facilitate them. As I have personally matured, from year to year, I've found deeper and more meaningful, more significant things to focus on and be aware of and do. And I've uncovered simple processes that we can all learn to use that will vastly improve our ability to deal proactively and constructively with the mundane realities of the world. What follows is a compilation of more than two decades' worth of discoveries about personal productivity, a guide to maximizing output and minimizing input, and to doing so in a world in which work is increasingly voluminous and ambiguous. I have spent many thousands of hours coaching people "in the trenches" at their desks, helping them process and organize all of their work at hand. The methods I have uncovered have proved to be highly effective in all types of organizations, at every job level, across cultures, and even at home and school. After twenty years of coaching and training some of the world's most sophisticated and productive professionals, I know the world is hungry for these methods. Executives at the top are looking to instill "ruthless execution" in themselves and their people as a basic standard. They know, and I know, that behind closed doors, after hours, there remain unanswered calls, tasks to be delegated, unprocessed issues from meetings and conversations, personal responsibilities unmanaged, and dozens of e-mails still not dealt with. Many of these businesspeople are successful because the crises they solve and the opportunities they take advantage of are bigger than the problems they allow and create in their own offices and briefcases. But given the pace of business and life today, the equation is in question. On the one hand, we need proven tools that can help people focus their energies strategically and tactically without letting anything fall through the cracks. On the other, we need to create work environments and skills that will keep the most invested people from burning out due to stress. We need positive work-style standards that will attract and retain the best and brightest. We know this information is sorely needed in organizations. It's also needed in schools, where our kids are still not being taught how to process information, how to focus on outcomes, or what actions to take to make them happen. And for all of us individually, it's needed so we can take advantage of all the opportunities we're given to add value to our world in a sustainable, self-nurturing way. The power, simplicity, and effectiveness of what I'm talking about in Getting Things Done are best experienced as experiences, in real time, with real situations in your real world. Necessarily, the book must put the essence of this dynamic art of workflow management and personal productivity into a linear format. I've tried to organize it in such a way as to give you both the inspiring big-picture view and a taste of immediate results as you go along. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 describes the whole game, providing a brief overview of the system and an explanation of why it's unique and timely, and then presenting the basic methodologies themselves in their most condensed and basic form. Part 2 shows you how to implement the system. It's your personal coaching, step by step, on the nitty-gritty application of the models. Part 3 goes even deeper, describing the subtler and more profound results you can expect when you incorporate the methodologies and models into your work and your life. I want you to hop in. I want you to test this stuff out, even challenge it. I want you to find out for yourself that what I promise is not only possible but instantly accessible to you personally. And I want you to know that everything I propose is easy to do. It involves no new skills at all. You already know how to focus, how to write things down, how to decide on outcomes and actions, and how to review options and make choices. You'll validate that many of the things you've been doing instinctively and intuitively all along are right. I'll give you ways to leverage those basic skills into new plateaus of effectiveness. I want to inspire you to put all this into a new behavior set that will blow your mind. Throughout the book I refer to my coaching and seminars on this material. I've worked as a "management consultant" for the last two decades, alone and in small partnerships. My work has consisted primarily of doing private productivity coaching and conducting seminars based on the methods presented here. I (and my colleagues) have coached more than a thousand individuals, trained hundreds of thousands of professionals, and delivered many hundreds of public seminars. This is the background from which I have drawn my experience and examples. The promise here was well described by a client of mine who wrote, "When I habitually applied the tenets of this program it saved my life . . . when I faithfully applied them, it changed my life. This is a vaccination against day-to-day fire-fighting (the so-called urgent and crisis demands of any given workday) and an antidote for the imbalance many people bring upon themselves." part 1 The Art of Getting Things Done 1 A New Practice for a New Reality IT'S POSSIBLE FOR a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control. That's a great way to live and work, at elevated levels of effectiveness and efficiency. It's also becoming a critical operational style required of successful and high-performing professionals. You already know how to do everything necessary to achieve this high-performance state. If you're like most people, however, you need to apply these skills in a more timely, complete, and systematic way so you can get on top of it all instead of feeling buried. And though the method and the techniques I describe in this book are immensely practical and based on common sense, most people will have some major work habits that must be modified before they can implement this system. The small changes required--changes in the way you clarify and organize all the things that command your attention--could represent a significant shift in how you approach some key aspects of your day-to-day work. Many of my clients have referred to this as a significant paradigm shift. ------------------------------ Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action. --David Kekich ------------------------------ The methods I present here are all based on two key objectives: (1) capturing all the things that need to get done--now, later, someday, big, little, or in between--into a logical and trusted system outside of your head and off your mind; and (2) disciplining yourself to make front-end decisions about all of the "inputs" you let into your life so that you will always have a plan for "next actions" that you can implement or renegotiate at any moment. This book offers a proven method for this kind of high-performance workflow management. It provides good tools, tips, techniques, and tricks for implementation. As you'll discover, the principles and methods are instantly usable and applicable to everything you have to do in your personal as well as your professional life.1 You can incorporate, as many others have before you, what I describe as an ongoing dynamic style of operating in your work and in your world. Or, like still others, you can simply use this as a guide to getting back into better control when you feel you need to. The Problem: New Demands, Insufficient Resources Almost everyone I encounter these days feels he or she has too much to handle and not enough time to get it all done. In the course of a single recent week, I consulted with a partner in a major global investment firm who was concerned that the new corporate-management responsibilities he was being offered would stress his family commitments beyond the limits; and with a midlevel human-resources manager trying to stay on top of her 150-plus e-mail requests per day fueled by the goal of doubling the company's regional office staff from eleven hundred to two thousand people in one year, all as she tried to protect a social life for herself on the weekends. A paradox has emerged in this new millennium: people have enhanced quality of life, but at the same time they are adding to their stress levels by taking on more than they have resources to handle. It's as though their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. And most people are to some degree frustrated and perplexed about how to improve the situation. Work No Longer Has Clear Boundaries A major factor in the mounting stress level is that the actual nature of our jobs has changed much more dramatically and rapidly than have our training for and our ability to deal with work. In just the last half of the twentieth century, what constituted "work" in the industrialized world was transformed from assembly-line, make-it and move-it kinds of activity to what Peter Drucker has so aptly termed "knowledge work." In the old days, work was self-evident. Fields were to be plowed, machines tooled, boxes packed, cows milked, widgets cranked. You knew what work had to be done--you could see it. It was clear when the work was finished, or not finished. ------------------------------ Time is that quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working. --Anonymous ------------------------------ Now, for many of us, there are no edges to most of our projects. Most people I know have at least half a dozen things they're trying to achieve right now, and even if they had the rest of their lives to try, they wouldn't be able to finish these to perfection. You're probably faced with the same dilemma. How good could that conference potentially be? How effective could the training program be, or the structure of your executives' compensation package? How inspiring is the essay you're writing? How motivating the staff meeting? How functional the reorganization? And a last question: How much available data could be relevant to doing those projects "better"? The answer is, an infinite amount, easily accessible, or at least potentially so, through the Web. ------------------------------ Almost every project could be done better, and an infinite quantity of information is now available that could make that happen. ------------------------------ On another front, the lack of edges can create more work for everyone. Many of today's organizational outcomes require cross-divisional communication, cooperation, and engagement. Our individual office silos are crumbling, and with them is going the luxury of not having to read cc'd e-mails from the marketing department, or from human resources, or from some ad hoc, deal-with-a-certain-issue committee. ------------------------------ We can never really be prepared for that which is wholly new. We have to adjust ourselves, and every radical adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem: we undergo a test, we have to prove ourselves. It needs subordinate self-confidence to face drastic change without inner trembling. --Eric Hoffer ------------------------------ Our Jobs Keep Changing The disintegrating edges of our projects and our work in general would be challenging enough for anyone. But now we must add to that equation the constantly shifting definition of our jobs. I often ask in my seminars, "Which of you are doing only what you were hired to do?" Seldom do I get a raised hand. As amorphous as edgeless work may be, if you had the chance to stick with some specifically described job long enough, you'd probably figure out what you needed to do--how much, at what level--to stay sane. But few have that luxury anymore, for two reasons: 1. | The organizations we're involved with seem to be in constant morph mode, with ever-changing goals, products, partners, customers, markets, technologies, and owners. These all, by necessity, shake up structures, forms, roles, and responsibilities. 2. | The average professional is more of a free agent these days than ever before, changing careers as often as his or her parents once changed jobs. Even fortysomethings and fiftysomethings hold to standards of continual growth. Their aims are just more integrated into the mainstream now, covered by the catchall "professional, management, and executive development"--which simply means they won't keep doing what they're doing for any extended period of time. Little seems clear for very long anymore, as far as what our work is and what or how much input may be relevant to doing it well. We're allowing in huge amounts of information and communication from the outer world and generating an equally large volume of ideas and agreements with ourselves and others from our inner world. And we haven't been well equipped to deal with this huge number of internal and external commitments. ------------------------------ The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. --Anonymous ------------------------------ The Old Models and Habits Are Insufficient Excerpted from Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.