Free winds blow west

L. P. Holmes, 1895-1988

Large print - 2016

"Former lawman Bruce Martell rides into Indio Basin to find his brother Kip and is drawn into a conflict between cowmen and homesteaders"--

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1st Floor LARGE PRINT/WESTERN/Holmes, L. P. Checked In
Thorndike, Maine : Center Point Large Print 2016.
Main Author
L. P. Holmes, 1895-1988 (author)
First edition
Physical Description
256 pages (large print) ; 23 cm
Contents unavailable.
Review by Booklist Review

No sooner has former lawman Bruce Martell cantered into the Indio Basin, searching for his wayward younger brother, than he comes across evidence of the conflict simmering in the area. Four cows have been slow-elked butchered wastefully and the Rocking A cowboys he meets next are certain the deed has been done by hungry sodbusters. First published as Welcome, Stranger To Hell! in a 1948 pulp, and only now reappearing in a large-print edition, this tale of life after a land rush has all the elements: a sinewy stranger riding into town, arrogant cattlemen, riled-up homesteaders, lynchings, saloon brawls, and a plucky, fair-haired gal to fight over. There's even a mystery of sorts as it looks like someone is out to frame the Rocking A crew for murder. Martell is as cool as they come but finds his skills put to the test as he tries to keep both sides from erupting into all-out war. Spur Award winner Holmes' prose has a definite sepia tint, but readers looking for an old-school western will certainly be satisfied.--Graff, Keir Copyright 2016 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.