The myth of the ADHD child 101 ways to improve your child's behavior and attention span without drugs, labels, or coercion
Book - 2017
"A fully revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking book on tackling the root causes of children's attention and behavior problems rather than masking the symptoms with medication. More than twenty years after Dr. Thomas Armstrong's Myth of the A.D.D. Child first published, he presents much needed updates and insights in this substantially revised edition. When The Myth of the A.D.D. Child was first published in 1995, Dr. Thomas Armstrong made the controversial argument that many behaviors labeled as ADD or ADHD are simply a child's active response to complex social, emotional, and educational influences. In this fully revised and updated edition, Dr. Armstrong shows readers how to address the underlying causes of... a child's attention and behavior problems in order to help their children implement positive changes in their lives. The rate of ADHD diagnosis has increased sharply, along with the prescription of medications to treat it. Now needed more than ever, this book includes fifty-one new non-drug strategies to help children overcome attention and behavior problems, as well as updates to the original fifty proven strategies"--
- Subjects
- Published
New York, New York :
A TarcherPerigee Book
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Edition
- Revised edition
- Item Description
- Revision of: Myth of the A.D.D. child. 1995.
- Physical Description
- xvi, 350 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9780143111504
- Preface
- Section I. The ADHD Myth and Its Shortcomings
- Chapter 1. The ADHD Blob Rolls Over America and the World
- Chapter 2. Why the ADHD Myth Is Not a Very Good Story
- Chapter 3. Why Medicating Kids to Make Them Behave Is Not a Very Good Idea
- Section II. Why There's a Nationwide and Worldwide ADHS Epidemic
- Chapter 4. Reason #1 We Don't Let Kids Be Kids Anymore
- Chapter 5. Reason #2 We Don't Let Boys Be Boys Anymore
- Chapter 6. Reason #3 We Disempower Our Kids at School
- Chapter 7. Reason #4 We Pass Our Stress on to Our Kids
- Chapter 8. Reason #5 We Let Our Kids Consume Too Much Junk Media
- Chapter 9. Reason #6 We Focus Too Much on Our Kids' Disabilities and Not Enough on Their Abilities
- Chapter 10. Reason #7 Too Many People Have a Vested Economic Interest in Seeing It Continue
- Chapter 11. How the ADHD Experts Defend Their Disorder (And Why Their Arguments Tend to Be Pretty Lame)
- Chapter 12. The Value of Multiple Perspectives in Improving a Child's Behavior and Attention Span
- Section III. 101 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion
- Strategy #1. Ley Your Child Fidget
- Strategy #2. Channel Creative Energies into the Arts
- Strategy #3. Emphasize Diversity Not Disability
- Strategy #4. Enroll Your Child in a Martial Arts Class
- Strategy #5. Make Time for Nature
- Strategy #6. Hold Family Meetings
- Strategy #7. Teach Your Child Focusing Techniques
- Strategy #8. Discover Your Child's Best Time of Alertness
- Strategy #9. Encouage Hands-On Learning
- Strategy #10. Build, Borrow, or Buy Wiggle Furniture
- Strategy #11. Consider Alternative Healing Options
- Strategy #12. Take Care of Yourself
- Strategy #13. Provide a Balanced Breakfast
- Strategy #14. Give Your Child Choices
- Strategy #15. Remove Allergens and Additives from Your Child's Diet
- Strategy #16. Use Music to Focus and Calm
- Strategy #17. Teach You Child Self-Monitoring Skills
- Strategy #18. Use Effective Communication Skills
- Strategy #19. Take a Parent Training Course
- Strategy #20. Nurture Your Child's Creativity
- Strategy #21. Hold a Positive Image of Your Child
- Strategy #22. Provide Appropriate Spaces for Learning
- Strategy #23. Encourage Your Child's Interests
- Strategy #24. Establish consistent Rules, Routines, and Transitions
- Strategy #25. Celebrate Successes
- Strategy #26. Make Time for Your Child to Play
- Strategy #27. Be a Personal Coach to Your Child
- Strategy #28. Build Resilience in Your Child
- Strategy #29. Give Instructions in Attention-Grabbing Ways
- Strategy #30. Limit Junk Food
- Strategy #31. Empower Your Child with Strength-Based Learning
- Strategy #32. Support Full Inclusion of Your Child in a Regular Classroom
- Strategy #33. Teach Your Child How His Brain Works
- Strategy #34. Eliminate Distractions
- Strategy #35. Promote Daily Exercise
- Strategy #36. Foster Good Home-School Communication
- Strategy #37. Strengthen Your Child's Working Memory
- Strategy #38. Limit Entertainment Media
- Strategy #39. Promote Flow Experiences
- Strategy #40. Use Online Learning as an Educational Resource
- Strategy #41. Show Your Child How to Use Metacognitive Tools
- Strategy #42. Teach Emotional Self-Regulation Skills
- Strategy #43. Teach Your Child Mindfulness Meditation
- Strategy #44. Let Your Child Engage in Spontaneous Self-Talk
- Strategy #45. Engage in Family Exercise and Recreation
- Strategy #46. Share Stress Management Techniques
- Strategy #47. Identify Mobile Apps That Can Help Your Child
- Strategy #48. Match Your Child with a Mentor
- Strategy #49. Find a Sport Your Child Will Love
- Strategy #50. Provide a Variety of Stimulating Learning Activities
- Strategy #51. Teach Goal-Setting Skills
- Strategy #52. Provide Immediate Behavioral Feedback
- Strategy #53. Work to Promote Teacher-Child Rapport
- Strategy #54. Consider Neurofeedback Training
- Strategy #55. Use Touch to Soothe and Calm
- Strategy #56. Provide Opportunities for Learning through Movement
- Strategy #57. Make Time for Plenty of Humor and Laughter
- Strategy #58. Spend Positive Time together
- Strategy #59. Discover Your Child's Multiple Intelligences
- Strategy #60. Help Your Child Develop a Growth Mind-Set
- Strategy #61. Use Natural and Logical consequences as a Discipline Tool
- Strategy #62. Provide Access to Natural and Full-Spectrum Light
- Strategy #63. Cook with Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Strategy #64. Consider Family Therapy
- Strategy #65. Pep Up Each Day with a Least One Novel Experience
- Strategy #66. Provide Positive Role Models
- Strategy #67. Discover and Manage the Four Types of Misbehavior
- Strategy #68. Co-Create an Internally Empowering Behavior Mod Program with Your Child
- Strategy #69. Use Aromas to Calm and Center
- Strategy #70. Employ Incidental Learning
- Strategy #71. Rule Out Other Potential Contributors to Your Child's Behavior
- Strategy #72. Suggest Effective Study Strategies
- Strategy #73. Provide Your Child with Real-Life Tasks
- Strategy #74. Use Time Out in a Positive Way
- Strategy #75. Enhance Your Child's Self-Esteem
- Strategy #76. Avoid Exposure to Environmental Contaminants
- Strategy #77. Make Sure Your Child Gets Sufficient Sleep
- Strategy #78. Activate Positive Career Aspirations
- Strategy #79. Teach Your Child to Visualize
- Strategy #80. Play Chess or Go with Your Child
- Strategy #81. Have Your Child Teach a Younger Child
- Strategy #82. Help Your Child Become Self-Aware
- Strategy #83. Utilize the Best Features of Computer Learning
- Strategy #84. Let Your Child Play Video Games That Engage and Teach 259
- Strategy #85. Get Ready for the Thrills and Chills of Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Strategy #86. Consider Alternative Schooling Options
- Strategy #87. Have Your Child Learn Yoga
- Strategy #88. Find an Animal Your Child Can Care For
- Strategy #89. Support Your Child's Late Blooming
- Strategy #90. Consider Individual Psychotherapy for Your Child
- Strategy #91. Create a Positive Behavior Contract with Your Child
- Strategy #92. Engage in Positive Niche Construction
- Strategy #93. Help Your Child Develop Social Skills
- Strategy #94. Lobby for a Strong Physical Education Program in our Child's School
- Strategy #95. Support Your Child's Entrepreneurial Instincts
- Strategy #96. Use Color to Highlight Information
- Strategy #97. Have Your Child Create a Blog
- Strategy #98. Work to Enhance Your Child's Social Network
- Strategy #99. Encourage Project-Based Learning at Home and in School
- Strategy #100. Show Your Child Work-Arounds to Get Things Done
- Strategy #101. Teach Your Child Organizational Strategies
- Notes
- Index