- Subjects
- Published
San Francisco :
No Starch Press
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Other Authors
- Physical Description
- xxii, 282 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9781593278267
- Foreword
- Preface
- This Book's Approach
- Who This Book Is For
- How This Book Is Organized
- Fundamentals
- Symmetric Crypto
- Asymmetric Crypto
- Applications
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- 1. Encryption
- The Basics
- Classical Ciphers
- The Caesar Cipher
- The Vigenère Cipher
- How Ciphers Work
- The Permutation
- The Mode of Operation
- Why Classical Ciphers Are Insecure
- Perfect Encryption: The One-Time Pad
- Encrypting with the One-Time Pad
- Why Is the One-Time Pad Secure?
- Encryption Security
- Attack Models
- Security Goals
- Security Notions
- Asymmetric Encryption
- When Ciphers Do More Than Encryption
- Authenticated Encryption
- Format-Preserving Encryption
- Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- Searchable Encryption
- Tweakable Encryption
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Weak Cipher
- Wrong Model
- Further Reading
- 2. Randomness
- Random or Non-Random?
- Randomness as a Probability Distribution
- Entropy: A Measure of Uncertainty
- Random Number Generators (RNGs) and Pseudorandom Number Generators (PRNGs)
- How PRNGs Work
- Security Concerns
- The PRNG Fortuna
- Cryptographic vs. Non-Cryptographic PRNGs
- The Uselessness of Statistical Tests
- Real-World PRNGs
- Generating Random Bits in Unix-Based Systems
- The CryptGenRandom() Function in Windows
- A Hardware-Based PRNG: RDRAND in Intel Microprocessors
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Poor Entropy Sources
- Insufficient Entropy at Boot Time
- Non-cryptographic PRNG
- Sampling Bug with Strong Randomness
- Further Reading
- 3. Cryptographic Security
- Defining the Impossible
- Security in Theory: Informational Security
- Security in Practice: Computational Security
- Quantifying Security
- Measuring Security in Bits
- Full Attack Cost
- Choosing and Evaluating Security Levels
- Achieving Security
- Provable Security
- Heuristic Security
- Generating Keys
- Generating Symmetric Keys
- Generating Asymmetric Keys
- Protecting Keys
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Incorrect Security Proof
- Short Keys for Legacy Support
- Further Reading
- 4. Block Ciphers
- What Is a Block Cipher?
- Security Goals
- Block Size
- The Codebook Attack
- How to Construct Block Ciphers
- A Block Cipher's Rounds
- The Slide Attack and Round Keys
- Substitution-Permutation Networks
- Feistel Schemes
- The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- AES Internals
- AES in Action
- Implementing AES
- Table-Based Implementations
- Native Instructions
- Is AES Secure?
- Modes of Operation
- The Electronic Codebook (ECB) Mode
- The Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode
- How to Encrypt Any Message in CBC Mode
- The Counter (CTR) Mode
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks
- Padding Oracle Attacks
- Further Reading
- 5. Stream Ciphers
- How Stream Ciphers Work
- Stateful and Counter-Based Stream Ciphers
- Hardware-Oriented Stream Ciphers
- Feedback Shift Registers
- Grain-128a
- A5/1
- Software-Oriented Stream Ciphers
- RC4
- Salsa20
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Nonce Reuse
- Broken RC4 Implementation
- Weak Ciphers Baked Into Hardware
- Further Reading
- 6. Hash Functions
- Secure Hash Functions
- Unpredictability Again
- Preimage Resistance
- Collision Resistance
- Finding Collisions
- Building Hash Functions
- Compression-Based Hash Functions: The Merkle-Damgard Construction
- Permutation-Based Hash Functions: Sponge Functions
- The SHA Family of Hash Functions
- SHA-1
- SHA-2
- The SHA-3 Competition
- Keccak (SHA-3)
- The BLAKE2 Hash Function
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- The Length-Extension Attack
- Fooling Proof-of-Storage Protocols
- Further Reading
- 7. Keyed Hashing
- Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
- MACs in Secure Communication
- Forgery and Chosen-Message Attacks
- Replay Attacks
- Pseudorandom Functions (PRFs)
- PRF Security
- Why PRFs Are Stronger Than MACs
- Creating Keyed Hashes from Unkeyed Hashes
- The Secret-Prefix Construction
- The Secret-Suffix Construction
- The HMAC Construction
- A Generic Attack Against Hash-Based MACs
- Creating Keyed Hashes from Block Ciphers: CMAC
- Breaking CBC-MAC
- Fixing CBC-MAC
- Dedicated MAC Designs
- Poly1305
- SipHash
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Timing Attacks on MAC Verification
- When Sponges Leak
- Further Reading
- 8. Authenticated Encryption
- Authenticated Encryption Using MACs
- Encrypt-and-MAC
- MAC-then-Encrypt
- Encrypt-then-MAC
- Authenticated Ciphers
- Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
- Avoiding Predictability with Nonces
- What Makes a Good Authenticated Cipher?
- AES-GCM: The Authenticated Cipher Standard
- GCM Internals: CTR and GHASH
- GCM Security
- GCM Efficiency
- OCB: An Authenticated Cipher Faster than GCM
- OCB Internals
- OCB Security
- OCB Efficiency
- SIV: The Safest Authenticated Cipher?
- Permutation-Based AEAD
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- AES-GCM and Weak Hash Keys
- AES-GCM and Small Tags
- Further Reading
- 9. Hard Problems
- Computational Hardness
- Measuring Running Time
- Polynomial vs. Superpolynomial Time
- Complexity Classes
- Nondeterministic Polynomial Time
- NP-Complete Problems
- The P vs. NP Problem
- The Factoring Problem
- Factoring Large Numbers in Practice
- Is Factoring NP-Complete?
- The Discrete Logarithm Problem
- What Is a Group?
- The Hard Thing
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- When Factoring Is Easy
- Small Hard Problems Aren't Hard
- Further Reading
- 10. RSA
- The Math Behind RSA
- The RSA Trapdoor Permutation
- RSA Key Generation and Security
- Encrypting with RSA
- Breaking Textbook RSA Encryption's Malleability
- Strong RSA Encryption: OAEP
- Signing with RSA
- Breaking Textbook RSA Signatures
- The PSS Signature Standard
- Full Domain Hash Signatures
- RSA Implementations
- Fast Exponentiation Algorithm: Square-and-Multiply
- Small Exponents for Faster Public-Key Operations
- The Chinese Remainder Theorem
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- The Bellcore Attack on RSA-CRT
- Sharing Private Exponents or Moduli
- Further Reading
- 11. Diffie-Hellman
- The Diffie-Hellman Function
- The Diffie-Hellman Problems
- The Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem
- The Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem
- More Diffie-Hellman Problems
- Key Agreement Protocols
- An Example of Non-DH Key Agreement
- Attack Models for Key Agreement Protocols
- Performance
- Diffie-Hellman Protocols
- Anonymous Diffie-Hellman
- Authenticated Diffie-Hellman
- Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV)
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Not Hashing the Shared Secret
- Legacy Diffie-Hellman in TLS
- Unsafe Group Parameters
- Further Reading
- 12. Elliptic Curves
- What Is an Elliptic Curve?
- Elliptic Curves over Integers
- Adding and Multiplying Points
- Elliptic Curve Groups
- The ECDLP Problem
- Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement over Elliptic Curves
- Signing with Elliptic Curves
- Encrypting with Elliptic Curves
- Choosing a Curve
- NIST Curves
- Curve25519
- Other Curves
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- ECDSA with Bad Randomness
- Breaking ECDH Using Another Curve
- Further Reading
- 13. TLS
- Target Applications and Requirements
- The TLS Protocol Suite
- The TLS and SSL Family of Protocols: A Brief History
- TLS in a Nutshell
- Certificates and Certificate Authorities
- The Record Protocol
- The TLS Handshake Protocol
- TLS 1.3 Cryptographic Algorithms
- TLS 1.3 Improvements over TLS 1.2
- Downgrade Protection
- Single Round-Trip Handshake
- Session Resumption
- The Strengths of TLS Security
- Authentication
- Forward Secrecy
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Compromised Certificate Authority
- Compromised Server
- Compromised Client
- Bugs in Implementations
- Further Reading
- 14. Quantum and Post-Quantum
- How Quantum Computers Work
- Quantum Bits
- Quantum Gates
- Quantum Speed-Up
- Exponential Speed-Up and Simon's Problem
- The Threat of Shor's Algorithm
- Shor's Algorithm Solves the Factoring Problem
- Shor's Algorithm and the Discrete Logarithm Problem
- Grover's Algorithm
- Why Is It So Hard to Build a Quantum Computer?
- Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms
- Code-Based Cryptography
- Lattice-Based Cryptography
- Multivariate Cryptography
- Hash-Based Cryptography
- How Things Can Go Wrong
- Unclear Security Level
- Fast Forward: What Happens if It's Too Late?
- Implementation Issues
- Further Reading
- Index