- Subjects
- Published
Indianapolis, Indiana :
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Edition
- First American edition
- Item Description
- Includes index.
- Physical Description
- 191 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
- 9781465462732
- Welcome to yin yoga
- About yin yoga
- What is yin yoga?
- Why do yin yoga?
- What are chakras?
- What are meridians?
- Breathing techniques
- What do you need?
- How do you practice?
- Seated meditation
- Yin asanas
- Square
- Reclining leg stretch 1
- Reclining leg stretch 2
- Reclining leg stretch 3
- Squat
- Toe squat
- It band stretch
- Neck release
- Ankle stretch
- Caterpillar
- Butterfly
- Half butterfly
- Reclined buitertty
- Lying chest opener
- Lying quad stretch
- Lying spinal twist
- Saddle
- Archer arms
- Knee to chest
- Wrist flexor stretch
- Wrist extensor stretch
- Sphinx
- Seal
- Side seal
- Banana
- Straddle
- Dangling
- Snail
- Baby dragon
- Twisted dragon
- Dragon flying low
- Winged dragon
- Supported bridge
- Eagle arms
- Happy baby
- Thread the needle
- Bowtie
- Deer
- Swan
- Seated swan
- Sleeping swan
- Child's pose
- Reclined child's pose
- Cat pulling its tail
- Supported fish
- Melting heart
- Legs up the wall
- Shoelace
- Reclined shoelace
- Reverse prayer arms
- Frog
- Half monkey
- Monkey
- Corpse
- Yin sequences
- Pre-workout stretch
- Beginner sequence
- Improving your digestion
- Improving your sleep
- Improving your energy
- Intermediate sequence
- Neck & shoulder tension relief
- Lower-back tension relief
- Upper-back tension relief
- Advanced sequence
- Relieving stress
- Alleviating sciatica pain
- Increasing hamstring flexibility
- Full-body sequence
- Side-body sequence
- Increasing hip flexibility
- Improving your posture
- Prenatal sequence
- Chakra opener
- Opening your heart
- Index
- About the author/Acknowledgments