- Introduction
- 1. Listening to Nature's Life
- The Law of Nature
- Said a Blade of Grass
- Three Dogs
- Shadows
- Song of the Rain
- A Hyena and a Crocodile
- Two Oysters
- Trees Are Poems
- The Red Earth
- The Full Moon
- The Supreme Ant
- The Pomegranate
- Solitude
- Living Water
- Other Seas
- The River
- Contentment and Thrift
- The Lotus-Heart
- The Shadow
- The Serpent and the Lark
- Frogs: On the Nature of Disturbance
- Song of the Flower
- Spring in Lebanon
- 2. Beauty and the Song of Life
- Life's Purpose
- Singing
- Secrets of the Beauty of Life
- The Poet
- Art and Life
- Pleasure Is a Freedom Song
- Singing
- Before the Throne of Beauty
- The Flute
- Beauty
- Soul of the Dancer
- An Hour Devoted to Beauty and Love
- 3. Life's Human Journey
- Your Daily Life Is Your Temple
- Burying Dead Selves
- Giving Up a Kingdom
- Possessions
- Treasure
- The Value of Time
- With Senses Continually Made New
- Work Is Love
- Builders of Bridges
- Renown
- Life Is a Procession
- Song of Humanity
- Singing in the Silence
- Modesty
- Between
- Ignorance
- When You Meet a Friend
- Strangers to Life
- Life Is a Resolution
- Longing
- To American Immigrants from the Middle East (1926)
- 4. Seasons of Life
- Changing with the Seasons
- No Miracles Beyond the Seasons
- Youth and Knowledge
- Seasons
- Autumn and Spring
- Time
- All Your Hours Are Wings
- Be Dark
- Day and Night
- Shell-Life
- Tides of Breath
- Shoreless Without a Self
- Finding Fault
- Every Year I Had Waited for Spring...
- 5. Paradoxical Life
- Life Comes Walking
- Talk
- A Tale of Two Tales
- Confession
- Yesterday and Today
- Gifts of the Earth
- Giving and Gaining
- High and Low
- Seeking
- Freedom
- Limits
- Owl Eyes
- Voices
- Ocean and Foam
- Blessing Darkness
- Agreement
- Jesus and Pan
- 6. The Life of the Soul
- Resurrection of Life
- A Fragment
- The Greater Sea
- Truth Is Like the Stars
- Have Mercy on Me, My Soul
- Trust the Dreams
- The Greater Self
- Rising
- Children of Space
- Leave Me, My Blamer
- The Forerunner
- Walk Facing the Sun
- Soul's Dewdrop
- Roots Between
- Self Is a Sea
- The Longing of the Giant Self
- Angels and Devils
- Blessed Mountain
- Song of the Soul
- Sources of the Selections
- Selection Notes