From fearful to fear free

Marty Becker, 1954-

Book - 2018

From Fearful to Fear Free is based on the groundbreaking Fear Free program embraced by tens of thousands of veterinary healthcare professionals and hundreds of thousands of pet owners ( and This is the first and most authoritative book on the subject of reducing FAS and increasing "happy and calm" in dogs. Since pets communicate nonverbally, this book will help you recognize if your pet is suffering from FAS. By knowing your dog's body language, vocalizations, and changes in normal habits, you can make an accurate diagnosis and take action to prevent triggers or treat the fallout if they do happen. --

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Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, Inc [2018]
Main Author
Marty Becker, 1954- (author)
Other Authors
Lisa Radosta (author), Wailani Sung, Mikkel Becker
Physical Description
223 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm
Includes index.
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Part I. Your Dog's Brain: What's Really Going On in There
  • 1. Fear and Its Effects
  • 2. Recognizing Fear, Anxiety and Stress/Recognizing Calm
  • 3. Fear and Force Recipe for Disaster
  • 4. Rewards for the Win
  • Part II. Fear Fighters: How Socialization, Training, and Behavior Modification Can Help Your Dog Go from Fearful to Fear Free
  • 5. Basic Training Lifelong Skills
  • 6. Training Basics: Skills To Help Your Dog Cope
  • 7. Separation Anxiety
  • 8. Noise and Thunderstorm Phobias
  • 9. Fear of the New and Strange
  • Part III. Putting Your Dog's Skills into Practice
  • 10. Visiting the Veterinarian
  • 11. Medicating or Caring for Your Pet at Home
  • 12. Grooming
  • 13. Dogs and Kids: Building a Fear Free Friendship
  • 14. Enrichment: Play, Games and Advanced Training
  • 15. Dog Parks
  • 16. At Home and Away
  • 17. Building a Fear Free Life
  • Appendix
  • Glossary
  • Resources
  • Index
  • About the Authors

PART I YOUR DOG'S BRAIN: WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN THERE CHAPTER 1 FEAR AND ITS EFFECTS Do you remember the first time you felt severe fear? It was probably when you were a young child, and we're not talking a Halloween-mask 'boo!' Maybe your mother disappeared behind a rack of clothes in a store, and you didn't know where she was. Maybe you saw a shadow on the wall in your darkened bedroom. Or maybe you were frightened by the approach of an ominous stranger. Fear is a universal reaction experienced by every species, including dogs. It's an emotional response caused by an encounter with anything, real or anticipated, that appears to be a threat: the disappearance of a loved one, the unknown, or something that experience teaches will cause pain (syringe + needle = ouch!). Whether we are human or canine or some other species, our bodies experience changes in brain and organ function when we are afraid. When we are faced with danger, whether obvious or anticipated, our bodies spring into action. We breathe more rapidly, our heart rate increases, and our muscles tense up, right down to the thousands of individual hair follicles. In the blink of an eye, these physiological reactions alert the brain to the presence of a threat. Body and mind go into self-defense mode, commonly referred to as 'fight or flight'--prepare for a live-or-die battle or run for your life! Fear helps humans and animals survive by allowing them to recognize danger and take action, whether it's to freeze in place, hide, run away, fidget (bark or run in circles), or stand and defend themselves (or at least look and sound as if they could). It's an instinctive protection system, but it can also cause inappropriate responses that make life miserable for fearful pets and their people. Not just uncomfortable, which is bad enough, but damaging physiologically and emotionally. In short, think PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) for pets. When fear or anxiety takes over a dog's life, it can become impossible to take him to the veterinarian or groomer, have him ride comfortably in the car, go for a walk around the neighborhood, leave him home alone, or have friends or family visit. A fearful dog may become aggressive, destructive, or withdrawn. He may become physically ill with vomiting or diarrhea when he is placed in a situation that he fears, or he may refuse to eat at all. That's no way to live--for you or your dog! That's why it is vital that we take the necessary steps to reduce or remove the triggers for anxiety and fear in when they arise in animals' lives and vow to always travel along a path that moves both pets and humans from fearful to Fear Free. THE ELEMENTS OF FEAR We are fortunate to be living in a time when we have a better understanding of brain chemistry as it relates to fear than we had in the past. Understanding and recognizing a dog's fear and anxiety--or the potential for those emotions--helps us increase his comfort level in stressful situations as well as help him cope with his stress in constructive ways. But first, let's take a look at how fear works. Your dog's fear response begins when information is sent from the sensory cortex. This is where the brain receives the signals from the outside world. For example, when your dog hears the can opener, this information is transmitted to the auditory cortex, causing him to anticipate delicious food. Neurochemicals, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, put the body on high alert. In an instant, they speed up the heart rate, increase blood flow to the muscles, dilate air passages for better lung capacity, and release glucose for energy. Cortisol, known commonly as the stress hormone, is a natural steroid that increases blood sugar, enables the brain to make better use of glucose, and increases availability of substances that repair body tissue. Cortisol suppresses nonessential body functions--such as the digestive, reproductive, and immune systems--that might hamper a fight, flight, freeze, or fidget response. It also communicates with areas of the brain that control fear. In normal amounts, cortisol plays an important role in fighting stress as well as regulating other facets of good health, such as weight, tissue structure, and skin condition. The body's response to this influx of hormones occurs rapidly, without conscious thought or action. The rush of neurochemicals and hormones throughout the body and brain aid in what is called memory consolidation and retrieval in a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex. In short, your dog remembers very well what happened to him when he was scared. When he is back in that situation again, his body will be able to access that memory quickly. He will remember that incident, which caused him fear and rocked his entire body, more clearly than he will remember the half hour you spent teaching him how to high-five the weekend before. While, in the wild, this type of memory can save an animal's life (i.e., there's a predator in that area so I should avoid going there) as he goes about his daily activities, this avoidance mechanism can mean that a pet doesn't receive proper veterinary or preventive care, putting his health (and, by extension, his human's health) at serious risk. Their recall ability is what helps dogs know how to react to a threat, but it can also be what gets them into fear-related trouble. As you probably know, dogs are extremely observant. They spend their lives watching us and are good at learning from experience and observation. This movement from the recliner means mom is going to the bathroom, whereas this seemingly same motion means we're going for a walk. Puppies' first lessons on responding to threats come from their mother, and they quickly pick up additional fear reactions as they interact with other dogs, other animals, and with humans (especially those who can unintentionally inflict pain or fear, such as members of the veterinary team). Once acquired, reactions to fear are not easily forgotten and may intensify with experience. WHEN AND HOW FEAR STARTS We think of fear as something that develops with experience, but fear can be genetic, starting in the womb. Canine behavior is complex, affected by both genetic and environmental factors. Genetics create a puppy's behavioral template, but his environment and experiences in utero, after birth, and growing up all influence the expression of behaviors. This is why feral dogs on reservations or in parts of the world where they live on the periphery of humanity (because of religious taboos, fear of rabies, or not enough homes) can be more difficult to integrate into a household; for them, almost every motion or noise could be a death threat. Fear Factor You may remember seeing a news story circulating on social media about a woman who jumped out of a moving car, leaving her nine-year-old child in the backseat. What motivated her to abandon her child in such a dangerous situation? An innate (and potentially deadly, in this case) fear of spiders. While backing out of her driveway, the woman saw a spider in her car, and her first instinct was to escape from it. Her fearful reaction to the spider was so intense that she simply reacted. That fear overcame the normal instinct of a mother to protect her child. Now, if rational people can respond this way when they are afraid, it's easy to understand how our dogs might also exhibit fear in situations or circumstances in which they have no control. --Dr. Wailani Sung Brain Anatomy: Amygdala The amygdala is a small, almond-shaped part of the brain that receives information from all of the sensory systems in the body. Think of it as a processing and distribution center for environmental stimuli, turning sights and sounds into emotional responses. The signals are then broadcast to other parts of the brain, such as the hypothalamus (panting, trembling, increased blood flow to muscles), brainstem (fight, flight, freeze, fidget), and cerebral cortex (emotional experience). When a dog is frightened, on the surface we see only that he is hiding under a chair, trembling, but major events have occurred inside his body, altering the way he feels emotionally and physically and ensuring that he will never forget that particular experience. --Dr. Lisa Radosta Anticipating Fear Dogs can be very perceptive. I have had many owners tell me that their dogs know the route to the veterinary hospital. When the owner turns down certain streets, the dog immediately starts to pant and shake. Some dogs become so anxious and fearful that they won't even jump out of the car or walk into the veterinary clinic and must be carried inside. If a dog is too fearful, sometimes the owner needs the veterinary staff to make a human barrier and slowly walk up behind the dog to get him to move toward the clinic entrance. How sad is that? Think about how it makes the staff of the veterinary clinic feel. It also doesn't set the dog up for a happy veterinary visit. Other dogs associate any car ride with visits to the veterinary clinic. They won't jump in the car, or they pace, pant, whine, or bark for the entire duration of the car ride. Some dogs vomit during the car ride or as soon as they arrive at the destination. I have had several patients who even defecate or urinate during the car ride. That's unpleasant for both dogs and owners. These reactions aren't limited to visits to the veterinary clinic. Many dogs exhibit fear and anxiety during car rides because they may have generalized fear or anxiety of the unknown. Where are we going? Is it going to be fun or scary? It's not easy to explain to your dog that he doesn't have to be scared. --Dr. Wailani Sung ©2018 Fear Free, LLC.. All rights reserved. Reprinted from From Fearful to Fear Free: A Positive Program to Free Your Dog from Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias . No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Health Communications, Inc., 3201 SW 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. Excerpted from From Fearful to Fear Free: A Positive Program to Free Your Dog from Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias by Marty Becker, Lisa Radosta, Mikkel Becker, Wailiani Sung All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.