Calling all minds

Temple Grandin

Book - 2018

"Temple Grandin explores how to experiment and how to think about science for young readers."--

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New York, NY : Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC [2018]
Main Author
Temple Grandin (author)
Other Authors
Betsy Lerner (author)
Physical Description
228 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Ages 8-12.
Grades 4 to 6.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Things Made of Paper
  • Chapter 2. Levers and Pulleys
  • Chapter 3. Things Made of Wood
  • Chapter 4. Things That Fly
  • Chapter 5. Optical Illusions
  • Epilogue: The Squeeze Machine
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Review by Booklist Review

Grandin, renowned as a scientist, author, and adult with autism, has created a miscellany in which she claims to share the soul of invention. To do this, she integrates anecdotes from her life as a curious tinkerer with stories of important inventions and activities, such as pairing the history of paper and scissors with instructions for making paper snowflakes. Organized by broad categories (Things Made of Wood, Things That Fly, etc.), the book touches on ideas such as the Fibonacci sequence and optical illusions, encourages creativity by making a water bomb or a plant stand, and provides short background on additional inventions from crayons to hydraulic jacks. Famous inventors are profiled, from Gutenberg to the Wright brothers, who she thinks might today be diagnosed as somewhere on the autism or Asperger's spectrum. To all of that, she tosses in references to the Flying Nun and golf ball dimples. The design is dull, dated, and distant, with reproductions of patents and portraits of dead white men, but the myriad topics and personal text are certainly mind-expanding.--Medlar, Andrew Copyright 2018 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Grandin, an animal scientist and spokeswoman for the autism community, offers a guide to two dozen projects grouped into five sections-paper, wood, levers and pulleys, objects that fly, and optical illusions-to make at home with commonly found materials. Detailed step-by-step instructions and drawings accompany each project, which include a puppet theater, a kite, a wooden sailboat, and a stereoscope. Included within each section is historical background on inventors from the past and inventions of note. A self-styled inventor, Grandin employs a clear, direct style-though her vocabulary may be somewhat advanced for the target audience. She provides humorous childhood recollections, reflections on the creative process, and thoughts on how experimentation is essential to discovery. Referencing how she was often teased as a child for being different, she advocates for intellectual diversity: "Though our brains may work in different ways, there is no limit to the kinds of contributions we can make." Grandin offers a nuanced perspective on the qualities of a successful inventor-notably, a sense of wonder and curiosity, careful observation, and the willingness to learn from mistakes. Ages 8-12. (May) © Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
Review by School Library Journal Review

Gr 7-10-Part personal memoir, part historic study of inventions and biography, and part DIY instructions, this book packs in a lot. The result is an account of inventions and inventors and the thinking that motivates innovation. In Grandin's introduction, she states, "My road to becoming an inventor and animal scientist began in boarding school." She goes on to offer a detailed account of her isolated childhood and eventual diagnosis of autism, which serves as a backdrop for her later achievements. The chapters are organized by invention materials and types, such as "Levers and Pulleys" and "Optical Illusions," but each chapter contains such a vast amount of information and text that it is daunting. The author first states a personal account of her interests in the topic and then explains the historical context, including inventor biographies and a concluding project. There are not a tremendous amount of organizational tools, so accessing the information piece by piece is difficult. In addition, the very specific details of each story and history, and some of the diagrams, make the intended audience hard to determine. However, scientifically minded readers will find each section informative. VERDICT Consider for libraries where maker spaces are popular.-Patricia Feriano, Montgomery County Public Schools, MD © Copyright 2018. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Horn Book Review

In chapters that focus on materials, machines, and optical illusions, Grandin encourages readers to use creative thinking to explore, invent, and see the world differently. Step-by-step instructions for projects such as stereoscopes, kites, and homemade stilts are woven around Grandin's reminiscences of her own tinkering and historical profiles of inventors and their inventions. Numerous patent application illustrations and historical photographs are included. Bib., ind. (c) Copyright 2019. The Horn Book, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright The Horn Book, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

Celebrated inventor Grandin shares her experiences and insights into her processes of tinkering and building, offering excellent advice to aspiring young inventors for realizing their own innovative ideas.Grandin explores the history of inventions from the ancient to the contemporary, the science behind them, and the steps various people took to create and improve upon ideas as they evolved, and she also suggests ways in which young inventors can think about and understand what it means to innovate. What makes Grandin's narrative particularly engaging are the many anecdotes she shares about her own childhood fascination with questioning, investigating, building, and inventing. She shares how her autism enabled her to see things in unique ways, paving the way for her innovative work in animal behavior. Grandin describes herself as a visual, "bottom-up thinker," the type of scientist who gathers data and then arrives at a hypothesis. She passionately encourages young people to use their imaginations, stressing inquisitiveness and open-mindedness as the keys to problem-solving as well as the importance of tactile experiences and hands-on experimentation. Included in the text are 25 kid-friendly projects to help develop those skills. Mixing history, science, and memoir makes for an occasionally digressive narrative that is sometimes unwieldy but never boring. An impassioned call to look at the world in unique ways with plenty of practical advice on how to cultivate a curious, inquiring, imaginative mind. (diagrams, photos, bibliography) (Nonfiction. 8-12)

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Introduction My road to becoming an inventor and animal scientist began in boarding school. I attended my classes, but I was more interested in the horses than anything else. I was lucky because both my mother and the school's headmaster encouraged me to learn everything I could about animals and science, and my teachers allowed it as long as I was on time for classes and meals and took care of the horses. In addition to riding, that meant grooming, feeding, and mucking out the stalls. Summers at my aunt's ranch were also extremely important; I spent all my time with the cattle and horses learning everything I could about their behavior and how to communicate with them. Another influence was John C. Purves, my maternal grandfather. He was an inventor and one of the great role models in my life. When I was a child, I asked him endless questions about the world around, such as Why do the tides on the seashore go in and out? Another reason I became a scientist, which I didn't figure out until I was older, is that I'm a visual thinker. I organize the world through pictures, and my mind references words through series of visual images. If someone says "dog," my mind calls up each dog I have ever seen. As I got older, I could picture how things worked in vivid visual detail and in three dimensions. It was like running a film in my head. Eventually, I could actually test run equipment in my imagination. I could see things that clearly. It's considered "normal" to use a combination of visual and verbal skills to express thoughts and ideas, but in my experience there is no "normal." When I was diagnosed with autism (as a child in the 1950s), most people didn't really know what it was or the different ways it affected people. Now, we say that a person is "on the autistic spectrum," which can mean many things. They may have normal speech, or they may never learn to speak at all. I was a late talker, I hated being hugged or held, and I was often in my own world. I had so much difficulty sitting still that Mother used to say to me, "Go outside and run the energy out of you!" I also couldn't stand sudden sounds or any clothes that were too scratchy, and I would become very agitated when my world was changed in any little way. Others rock back and forth all the time or need to spin themselves around and can't pay attention. Many can be socially awkward and unable to make eye contact, yet can have successful careers in tech companies, industrial design, the arts, or a job that requires attention to detail. Some develop special skills at a very advanced level, often in the areas of mathematics, art, computers, or music. Some great scientists and inventors were probably on the autism spectrum. Autism is not "one size fits all." The more we learn about "the spectrum" (the range of abilities and deficits an autistic person may have), the more we will understand different kinds of minds and how important different kinds of thinkers are--especially where creativity, innovation, and invention are concerned. I like to think of myself and other people who are different kinds of thinkers on a human spectrum. Though our brains may work in different ways, there is no limit to the kinds of contributions we can make. I got teased a lot in school because my social skills weren't all that great. I knew I didn't fit in, but I didn't know why. The kids called me "tape recorder" because I repeated things over and over in a kind of monotone voice. I cared more about working on science projects and making fancy horse bridles than about the high school dance. Kids still get teased today for differences. Today, I would probably be called a nerd or a geek. Though it's also true that nerds and geeks tend to win Nobel Prizes and run Silicon Valley. Teachers and parents worry about the quirky kid who draws all day or the one who cares only about insects. They want kids to be well-rounded, but those single-minded kids may grow up to create and do incredible things if we encourage them to pursue their interests. At least that's what happened with me. My love of horses and cattle as a teen became the basis of my career as an animal scientist. No question. However, the main reason I also became an inventor is simple: Ever since I was a child, I've always loved making things and working with my hands. If one of my projects failed, I would experiment for many hours until I got it to work. When I was young, my mother let me use every kind of material from around the house to create my experiments, from her old clothes and scarves to the cardboard inside my father's shirts when they came back from the cleaners. That cardboard was treasure! I could make a million things with it: building blocks that became forts, dioramas, models, and jumping jacks. I loved taking things apart and putting them back together, or making new inventions out of the pieces. You'll find lots of these projects in this book, but I also encourage you to experiment and design your own. Remember: instructions are only guidelines. Sometimes my students will come to me very upset because they followed the directions to an experiment perfectly, but it didn't produce the desired result. I tell them the same thing: you have to experiment with the experiment! If I had to boil this book down, my message would be this: Make Things. ▷ ▷ ▷ The future holds many crucial challenges such as understanding the impact of climate change, curing diseases, and ending hunger. We need all kinds of minds if we are going to figure how to adapt. If we lose the ability to make things, we will lose a whole lot more. We need people who can cast iron and chemists who can create new materials that are lighter and stronger than metal. We need new storytellers, filmmakers, musicians, and artists. And we need new technologies to explore the future, including a deeper and more complex understanding of the earth and the ocean and the galaxies. There is no better way to start than by making things of your own design. All the projects I made when I was young contributed to the inventions I've made throughout my life. And they have given my life meaning. I hope these projects and the ones you create will do the same for you. Excerpted from Calling All Minds: How to Think and Create Like an Inventor by Temple Grandin All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.