Stronger after stroke Your roadmap to recovery
Book - 2018
Puts the power of recovery in the reader's hands by providing simple-to-follow instructions for reaching the highest possible level of recovery. The book's neuroplastic recovery model stresses repetition of task-specific practice, proper scheduling of practice, setting goals, and measuring progress to achieve optimal results. Researcher Peter G. Levine breaks down the science and gives survivors evidence-based tools to retrain the brain and take charge of recovery. Introduces readers to leading-edge stroke recovery information while simplifying the process to attain specific benchmarks. Also included is a sample recovery schedule, a helpful glossary of frequently used stroke recovery terms, and a list of resources for readers to r...esearch emerging stroke recovery options. Also features: Complete update of all chapters to reflect new knowledge about maximizing recovery; the latest research insights applied to individual recovery programs; steps to cope with challenges at each stage of recovery and achieve success; DIY strategies to save time and money; new chapters on using electrical stimulation, reducing post-stroke pain, and understanding spasticity"--Back cover.
- Subjects
- Published
New York, NY :
Demos Health, an imprint of Springer Publishing Company
- Language
- English
- Main Author
- Edition
- Third edition
- Item Description
- "Fully revised and updated"--Cover.
- Physical Description
- xxiii, 285 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 9780826124135
- Stroke recovery essentials
- Plan you work and work your plan
- Say no to plateau
- Use your fantastic plastic brain
- A doctor made for stroke survivors
- Neuroscience: your new best friend
- Using the wisdom of athletes
- The ultimate stroke recovery drug
- Measuring progress
- Recovery hints and tricks
- Challenge equals recovery
- Use what you have
- Train well on a treadmill
- Mirrors reflect recovery
- The mind, the brain, and sticking to the task
- Let recovery flow
- The recovery calendar
- Roadmap to recovery
- Tips for the caregiver
- Safeguarding the recovery investment
- Reduce pain to increase recovery
- Stay off the killing floor
- Reduce the risk of another stroke
- Protect your bones
- Don't shorten
- Shoulder care
- Five test you should do
- Cool treatment options
- Constraint-induced therapy for the arm and hand
- Get your hand back
- Imagine it!
- Electrical stimulation for frugal dummies
- Stimulate your stride
- Mirror therapy (MT)
- Recovery of feeling
- Speak musically
- Constraint-induced therapy of speech
- You are game virtual reality
- The good trains the bad bilateral training
- Rhythm rehab for the arms and hands
- Walking in rhythm
- Shocking subluxation
- The neuroplastic model for "pusher" syndrome
- Elements of exercise essential to recovery
- Horizontal rehab: good sleep=good recovery
- Get a home exercise program
- Space to recover: the home gym
- Space to focus: the community gym
- Weight up!
- Bank energy and watch your investment grow
- Recovery strategies
- The four phases of stroke recovery
- The subacute phase: recovery's sweet spot
- Expanding the therapeutic footprint
- Therapy soup: mix and match
- Lifestyle as therapy
- Your work schedule
- Living recovery
- Keep the core values safe
- Hard but safe
- Eat to recover
- Make home movies
- Don't neglect the "good" side
- Guide your doctor
- Spasticity control and elimination
- Spasticity: the beast unmasked
- Neuroplastic beats spastic
- Spasticity, tone and contracture: even clinicians get it wrong
- Spasticity: Jekyll and Hyde?
- Give spasticity the one-two punch
- Motivation: recovery fuel
- Meeting the challenge of recovery
- Be a caveman
- When help hurts
- Reconsider medications
- This just got real: psychological adjustment after stroke
- Fight fatigue
- Walking your way to better walking
- The young adult stroke survivor (YASS): driven to recover
- Recovery machines
- Those amazing machines.