The Bean shook his head. "Uppy!" he said again. He pointed out the window. "Uppy-uppy-uppy!"Charles leaned over to look, wondering what his little brother was talking about. It was getting dark out, and at first, he didn't see anything. Then he spotted a tiny white fluff ball, sitting very still in the tall grass on the side of the road. "Dad!" he said. "Pull over! The Bean is right. It's a puppy!""What?" Dad asked. "A puppy?""Yes!" said Charles. "And I think she's hurt." He watched as the little fluff ball tried to stand. She struggled to her feet, then sat down with one paw up, staring back at Charles with a pleading expression.Help me, please! I'm all alone."Dad!" Charles urged again. "We have to help!"As soon as the light turned green, Dad took a right turn and pulled the van over. He unbuckled his seat belt and was out of the van before Charles could say another word. Charles and Sammy unbuckled, too. Charles started to get out, but Dad turned around and held up a hand. "Uh-uh, hold on there. I want you two to stay in the van with the Bean.""But-" Charles began.Dad shut the car door and headed back toward the puppy. Charles saw him squat down and reach out gently. "Oh, please be okay," Charles whispered. "Please be okay, little puppy.""What's a puppy that young doing out here all by herself?" Sammy asked. "Poor thing."The boys watched as Charles's dad stood up again, cradling something white and fluffy in his arms. Charles pulled off his sweatshirt. "She'll need a soft place to lie down," he said. He folded up the sweatshirt and put it over his knees.Dad walked up to the car and nodded at Charles to open the door. He leaned over to place the puppy on Charles's lap. "Be very gentle," he said. "I think she might have a broken leg." Excerpted from Roxy (the Puppy Place #55) by Ellen Miles All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.