Review by Kirkus Book Review
The original grumpy cat imparts comics-making advice.Garfield, the perpetually snarky, Monday-hating marmalade cat, explains the basics of drawing a strip to young readers. In four chapters, he presents a rudimentary overview of the process, including tips on main characters, expression, plot development, punchlines, building settings, and lettering. While the text is upbeat, Garfield's trademark irreverence is showcased through reprinted comic strips and sidebar illustrations; when explaining essential setting details, king-of-the-catnap Garfield wisecracks that "chairs [and] beds" are "essential details." Finnegan's guide is best suited for the earliest beginner, as it offers such obvious instructions as, "the first thing you need is a pencil to draw with"; those looking for more comprehensive information may be audibly groaning at the lack of depth. For burgeoning artists hoping to learn to draw the lovably irascible feline, expect potential upset when they discover the only instructions show how to draw his headnot his entire bodyand with five brief steps, it is superficial at best (though still more detailed than the instructions for Odie). Included is a five-term glossary, a section for further information (which, curiously, offers Garfield's Twitter account as a place of interest), and an index. Cavils aside, Garfield's iconic brand of humor is effectively captured, which may satisfy Davis' devotees if not those looking to get a foothold in creating art.A cursory if cheery guide. (index) (Nonfiction. 6-9) Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.