American manifesto Saving democracy from villains, vandals, and ourselves

Bob Garfield

Book - 2020

"Why is our society in the fix it is in? Is it all Donald Trump's fault? Well, no. As often observed, Trump is a symptom of a virus that has been incubating for at least 50 years and maybe 150. But not often observed is where the virus is imbedded: in the psychic core of identity. This book explores the primacy of identity in American society and makes the argument that hyper-polarization was not only predictable but inevitable, based on such unlikely causal bedfellows as biology, multiculturalism and collateral damage from the American Dream"--

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Berkeley, California : Counterpoint 2020.
Main Author
Bob Garfield (author)
First hardcover edition
Physical Description
xvi, 191 pages ; 22 cm
  • Part I. The big who
  • Pokemon Go: inner-self edition
  • E pluribus unum?
  • But of course Trumpism
  • Part II. Mass exodus
  • The doomsday machine
  • Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble
  • Trust busting
  • Part III. The manifesto
  • Feed the watchdogs
  • No, really, trust busting
  • Boycott
  • How to know if a movie sucks of it the Russians are trying to trick you
  • The color purple
  • Coalition
  • Conclusion.
Review by Booklist Review

In the age of Trump, it's easy to focus on the excessive outrages of the man, but to do so is to lose sight of the underlying changes in American culture that made his administration possible in the first place. Longtime media critic and journalist Garfield examines the salient factors that shaped American politics prior to the 2016 election and that continue to influence voter attitudes as the 2020 campaigns get underway. Chief among the culprits are the twin shibboleths of identity politics and information manipulation. While the electorate shatters along various fault lines, Facebook and Google, the titans of social media, fan the flames that further divide red and blue voters. Beyond railing at the forces that threaten to undermine our democracy, from elections to governmental responsibilities and norms, Garfield offers practical advice on how to transform outrage into positive action. Fans of his Peabody Award-winning public radio program, On the Media, will recognize Garfield's bold yet grounded humor, while his trenchant analysis and surprisingly hopeful vision will motivate readers to pay attention and get involved.--Carol Haggas Copyright 2019 Booklist

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

The Peabody Award-winning co-host of public radio's On the Media offers his take on how to make America great again despite Donald Trump and his enablers.Garfield's (Bedfellows, 2012, etc.) manifesto stands out from those already published partly because of the specific proposals but mostly because of the breezy, often glib tone. Some readers will appreciate the irreverence as they digest the proposed solutions while others will find the tone jarring in the context of the serious subject matter. Before reaching the solutions portion of the manifesto, the author takes a stab at how the mess occurred. His primary culprit is the "well-intentioned multiculturalism" espoused by progressive, liberal citizens. Garfield suggests that the emphasis on personal identity has damaged our sense of common cause, atomized society, and, most significantly, led to a vicious backlash among millions of citizens who voted Donald Trump into office and gave Republican Party faux patriots control of Congress. The antagonism between belief systems became so toxic, Garfield argues, that in some respects, the nation has become a fascist state. The author also places blame on mainstream media moguls and their newsroom functionaries. Without vigorous journalism that can be trusted to disseminate accurate, fair reports, the current national crisis shows few signs of abating. As Garfield rightly points out, the respectable, trustworthy journalists who remain are too few and scattered to serve as an effective watchdog on government and corporate waste, fraud, and abuse. So-called digital journalists, writes Garfield, often spread lies and find receptive audiences among consumers who don't do their homework. The author also offers some proposed solutions, including vastly improved, significantly more responsible journalism. "We can hold our heads in despair," writes Garfield, "or we can repair what has been put asunder. Wishful thinking, you say? Pollyanna, you say? Totally fucking delusional, you say? No. It can be done."An interesting manifesto that will incite debate, including whether it is overly simplistic and/or impractical. Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.