Allergies. See also Asthma and Food Allergies An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system misinterprets a normally nontoxic substance, such as grass, pollen, a detergent, or a certain food, as a harmful invader. The immune system then responds to this perceived threat, called an allergen, by releasing substances called histamines. Histamines produce a wide range of bodily reactions, including respiratory and nasal congestion, increased mucus production, skin rashes and welts, and headache. In the case of an actual threat to the body, in the form of, say, a u virus, these reactions would form an important line of defense against the invader, helping to trap it and expel it, and encouraging you to rest and recover. But during the false alarm of an allergic response, the body overreacts to a harmless agent. Most allergens are found either in the environment or in food. (For information about allergic reactions to food, see Food Allergies.) Environmental allergens include pollen (reactions to pollen are often called hay fever), mold, animal dander, dust, feathers, insect venom, certain cosmetics and household products, and metals. When the environmental allergens are removed or make their seasonal disappearance, the body returns to normal. If the allergens are not removed, the immune system will continue its articially high state of alert. In these cases, the allergic response can develop into chronic allergic rhinitis, in which the nasal passages remain persistently inamed. Why some people develop allergies to certain substances and others do not remains unclear. It does seem that certain allergic responses, such as hay fever, have a genetic basis. An excess accumulation of mucus in the body, which attracts and stores the irritant, also contributes to or causes allergic responses. In addition, stress and a generally depressed immune system may contribute to the severity of allergies. CAUSES * Allergies happen when the immune system attacks a harmless substance. Common triggers for allergies include mold; dust; tree, grass, or ower pollen; animal dander; feathers; insect venom, especially from bee stings; metal, particularly nickel; household chemicals; and some cosmetics. * An excess of mucus, caused by a poor diet * Stress, which depresses the immune system SYMPTOMS Allergic responses can produce any one or a combination of several of the following symptoms: * Nasal congestion * Headache * Sneezing * Fatigue * Coughing * Fluid retention * Red, itchy, or watery eyes * Swelling of the throat and the tongue * Wheezing * Sore throat * Hives, rashes, eczema, or other skin eruptions Caution: If you experience difficulty breathing or develop hives that spread rapidly, get emergency help at once. Allergic reactions like these can quickly be fatal. If you know you have severe reactions to certain substances, talk to your doctor about emergency adrenaline kits you can keep on hand. ROOT CAUSES * Genetics * Poor digestion * Nutritional deciencies * Limited diet (in cases of food sensitivities, the lack of variety in the diet) * Lack of exposure to germs and allergens when a childTesting Techniques Blood IgG4 and IgE food and environmental screen Electrodermal testing for sensitivities Muscle testing by a skilled practitioner TREATMENT Diet If you have allergies, dietary therapy should include strategies for mucus reduction, elimination of allergenic pathogens, and general immune support. Recommended Food Base your diet on non-mucus-forming foods: whole grains (although gluten sensitivity is common), fresh vegetables and fruits, cold-pressed oils, and raw seeds and nuts. (Many people with environmental allergies also have reactions to nuts, so monitor your reactions carefully.) To keep your immune system healthy, make sure to get enough lean protein. Seafood and tofu are good sources that don't encourage mucus production. Drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of clean quality water a day to thin mucus secretions. Flaxseeds and axseed oil can reduce inammation. Take 2 tablespoons every day. Fresh vegetable juices improve detoxication, which indirectly helps an overactive immune system. A 3-day vegetable juice fast can help reduce some allergy symptoms. Food to Avoid Eliminating foods that cause mucus should be a priority for any allergy sufferer. Mucus-forming foods include all dairy products, fried and processed foods, rened ours, chocolate, and eggs. The immune response stresses your digestive system, so place as few additional burdens on it as possible. Cut down on bad fats and oils (satu-A randomized, double-blind rated, hydrogenated, or those containing trans-fatty acids)--as well as the study involving the use of rened our and the processed foods mentioned earlier--and increase your freeze-dried nettles and intake of ber, especially from raw vegetables. people who had hay fever Many people with environmental allergies also suffer from food allergies. found that after one week See the Food Allergies section and follow the elimination diet there to ensure that certain foods aren't making your environmental allergies worse. Wheat is the unsuspected culprit behind many allergies, including those their sneezing and itching. that seem to be triggered by environmental allergens. Try eliminating wheat during the seasons that usually coincide with your allergic responses. Excerpted from Prescriptions for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, and Other Holistic Methods by James F. Balch, Mark Stengler All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.