Invisible neighbors Latinx immigrants in Iowa City

Streaming video - 2022

Every week, new arrivals come to our area from Mexico and Central America. Many come with few possessions and only the thinnest personal network. These largely invisible newcomers to our community have immediate needs, some of which are being addressed by organizations like Open Heartland and UI-sponsored legal and medical clinics. We’ll hear more about our Latinx immigrant neighbors, their needs, and the work currently happening to assist their arrival. Speakers: Deb Dunkhase is the founder of Open Heartland, a recently formed nonprofit serving Latino immigrant families in Johnson County. Morgan Kennedy is a third-year student in the UI Carver College of Medicine where she performs research in the area of Parkinson’s Disease. Kennedy spearheaded a vaccination program in conjunction with the UI Mobile Clinic. Laura Pico Pinto is a third-year student in the UI College of Law who works in its Immigration clinic. She has an interest in immigration and international law.

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