The Wuhan cover-up And the terrifying bioweapons arms race

Robert Francis Kennedy, 1954-

Book - 2023

Details how research to develop preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans--research that could also be used for the development of bioweapons--was outsourced to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and reveals the conspiracy to hide thesource and origin of the COVID-19 virus.

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New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing [2023]
Main Author
Robert Francis Kennedy, 1954- (author)
Physical Description
xx, 576 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 460-560) and index.
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. The Soothsayers
  • Part 1. The Road to Wuhan
  • Chapter 2. Bioweapons and American Values
  • Chapter 3. A Brief History of Bioweapons
  • Japan's Unit
  • Healthy Subjects
  • Chapter 4. Picking Up the Pieces: The Birth of a US Bioweapons Program
  • The Universities
  • Chapter 5. Downloading Ishii and His Henchmen: Japan's Paperclip
  • Chapter 6. Operation Paperclip
  • Chapter 7. A Three-Way Partnership
  • NIH Joins the Bioweapons Industrial Complex
  • A Dark Profession
  • Secrecy
  • Human Experiments
  • Biological Toxins and Psychological Warfare
  • Chapter 8. Heyday: The Bioweapons-Industrial Complex at Full Production
  • Freeze-Dried Bacteria, Supersonic Warheads, and Synthetic Biology
  • Chapter 9. Has the US Illegally Used Bioweapons in War?
  • Allegations of US BW Use Against Cuba, 1962-1971
  • Chapter 10. Vietnam
  • Chapter 11. Reservations about Bioweapons Development from within the Military
  • Chapter 12. The Biological Weapons Convention
  • Chapter 13. Evading Geneva and the Bioweapons Charter
  • The Loophole
  • CIA Defiance
  • Soviet Progress
  • Chapter 14. The Critical Role of Vaccines in Bioweapons Development
  • Bioweapons Enhancement: Compromising Immune Systems
  • Does Possession of Bioweapons Deter an Enemy from Using its Own Bioweapons?
  • Chapter 15. The Reagan Neocons and US Universities Revive Bioweapons Development under Academic Cover
  • Iran-Iraq War 1980-88
  • First Gulf War 1990-91
  • Part 2. Gain-of-Function Research and the Rise of the Biosecurity Era
  • Chapter 16. The Anthrax Attack: Birth of the Biosecurity Agenda
  • Rise of the Neocons
  • Dark Winter
  • The Second Gulf War
  • The Patriot Act
  • Scrapping the Geneva Protocol and the Bioweapons Convention
  • Who Was Really Behind the Anthrax Attacks?
  • The Triumph of the Biosecurity Agenda
  • Chapter 17. Enter Dr. Anthony Fauci
  • Gain-of Function Genesis
  • More Secrecy
  • The 2004 Project BioShield Act
  • Chapter 18. The Medical/Military-Industrial Complex
  • The Pentagon's Chemical and Biological Defense Program Cui Bono?
  • Chapter 19. NAS Briefly Cracks Down on Dr. Fauci
  • Chapter 20. The Obama Moratorium
  • Chapter 21. A Moratorium Ignored
  • Chapter 22. How Drs. Fauci and Collins Lifted the Moratorium
  • Chapter 23. The P3CO
  • Chapter 24. Peter Daszak Makes EcoHealth the Laundromat through Which the Pentagon, Spooks, and Public Health Technocrats Funnel Money and Bioweapons Technology to China
  • Chapter 25. Daszak in the Moratorium
  • Chapter 26. "Nothing Useful"
  • Chapter 27. Historic Accidents, Infections, and Escapes at Biolabs
  • An Epidemic of Secrecy
  • Chapter 28. Do Pandemics Frequently Jump from Animals to Humans?
  • Chapter 29. China's Ascendancy
  • China Co-opts the Medical Journals
  • The Lancet: China's Propaganda Bullhorn
  • Kowtowing to China
  • The Lancet Sabotages Early Treatment of COVID-19
  • Chapter 30. Compromising US Universities to Steal Technology for China
  • Chapter 31. Emory University: A Template for Chinese Spycraft
  • Chapter 32. Ralph Baric
  • Chapter 33. China's Refreshing Candor about Gain-of-Function for Weapons Development
  • Chapter 34. Beijing on the Bayou: The Galveston Lab
  • Chapter 35. Gates in China
  • Chapter 36. USAID: A CIA Front
  • Chapter 37. USAID and the Global Virome Project
  • Chapter 38. Spooks in the Kitchen
  • The Rise of the Biosecurity Queen
  • Haines and Haspel: Exonerating Torture, Lying to Congress
  • Killing the State Department Investigations
  • The DNI's Assessment
  • Chapter 39. The CIA Recruits EcoHealth Alliance
  • Chapter 40. USAID/CIA and Population
  • Chapter 41. MAID Funded GOF Studies at the Wuhan Lab 2005-2020
  • DARPA Funding
  • Part 3. COVID-19 and the Cover-Up
  • Chapter 42. Dr. Fauci Perjures Himself
  • Chapter 43. A Detailed Description of Dr. Fauci's Gain-of-Function Studies in China
  • Chapter 44. Another Crazy Proposal: How a Dysfunctional NIH Funded a Treasonous Chinese Bioweapons Experiment
  • Bat Woman Takes Charge
  • Chapter 45. The Lab Rats Run for Cover
  • Chapter 46. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
  • Nipah Virus
  • Chapter 47. Daszak Unhinged: The DEFUSE Proposal
  • Chapter 48. Inoculating Wild Bats
  • Chapter 49. Bark's "No-See-Um" Method: Hiding the Human Fingerprints on Lab-Generated Pandemics
  • Chapter 50. Wrapped around My Finger: The Chinese Master Dr. Fauci's Alchemies
  • Chapter 51. Fauci Surely Knew the Wuhan Lab Was a Disaster from Which His Tiny Monsters Were Bound to Escape
  • BSL-2 and BSL-3 Labs
  • Chapter 52. The Chinese Launch the Global Cover-Up
  • Chapter 53. Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak Work with China to Fool the World
  • Ixnay on the Amplesay
  • Very Respectable Chinese Scientists
  • Chapter 54. Sir Jeremy Farrar: Mastermind of the COVID Cover-Up
  • 2005 Bird Flu
  • Farrar and the Spooks
  • Chapter 55. Red Dawn: The Pandemic Begins
  • Chapter 56. Farrar, Money Magician
  • Chapter 57. World Economic Forum
  • Richard Hatchett: Neocon Marionette
  • Richard Hatchett versus D. A. Henderson
  • The WEF and China
  • Chapter 58. Covering Up the Lab Generation: A Joint Enterprise
  • Muzzling the Indian Scientists
  • Silencing the Xiaos
  • Chapter 59. The February 1 Tele-Conspiracy
  • Jon Cohen's Propaganda Piece in Science
  • Tele-Conspiracy
  • Chapter 60. The NASEM Letter to the White House (February 6, 2020)
  • Chapter 61. The Lancet Letter (February 19, 2020)
  • Organizing the Lancet Letter
  • Disclosing Conflicts
  • Chapter 62. Gates at Outset
  • Controlling the WHO
  • Killing Early Treatments
  • Gates's Vaccine Investments
  • Vaccine Lies
  • Gates Takes Over Noncommercial Media
  • How Bill Gates Called the Shots
  • Chapter 63. Pivot to Permanent Preparedness for a Pipeline of Pandemics
  • WHO Power Grab
  • WHO Treaty
  • Putting the Brakes on the Pandemic Express
  • Afterword
  • Cast of Characters
  • Glossary
  • Endnotes
  • Index

PUBLISHER'S NOTE   Complex scientific and moral problems are not resolved through censorship of dissenting opinions, deleting content from the Internet, or defaming scientists and authors who present information challenging to those in power. Censorship leads instead to greater distrust of both government institutions and large corporations.             There is no ideology or politics in pointing out the obvious: scientific errors and public policy errors do occur--and can have devastating consequences. Errors might result from flawed analysis, haste, arrogance, and sometimes, corruption. Whatever the cause, the solutions come from open-minded exploration, introspection, and constant review.             Ideally, science and public policy are never static. They are a process, a collaboration, a debate and a partnership. If powerful people challenged by this book claim it contains misinformation, our response is simply this: Tell us where you believe some-thing is incorrect, make your best arguments, and offer the best available support for those arguments. We encourage and invite dialogue, criticism, engagement--and every suggestion will be heard and considered.             Since The Wuhan Cover-up is being published in the middle of rapidly unfolding events, and since censorship and suppression of information is underway, it's best to approach this book as a living document. When new information emerges that can add to or improve the thousands of references and citations in this book, updates, additional notes, and new references will be provided via the QR code below, and the QR codes that appear throughout the book.             We've published authors with views on all sides of many controversies. That's what we do, because at its best, publishing is a town square that lets everyone be heard--and lets everyone else listen, if they choose to. As Alan Dershowitz says, "I always learn when I read or hear Bobby's take." I can go several steps further, knowing from my inside view how principled and careful Bobby is as an author--and how painstakingly this book was researched.             We look forward to taking this important journey with you.   Excerpted from The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.