- Subjects
- Genres
- Handbooks and manuals
- Published
New York, NY :
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
- Language
- English
Dutch - Main Author
- Edition
- First U.S. edition
- Item Description
- "First published as Handboek Sterrenkunde by Fontaine Uitgevers, The Netherlands"
"Written by award-winning astronomy writer Govert Schililng, author of Constellations (BDL, 2018) and Deep Space (BDL, 2014), The Astronomy Handbook is the indispensible, go-to guide to everything you ever wanted or needed to know about the night sky, the cosmos, and the universe all in one easy-to-use and understand handbook"-- Provided by publisher. - Physical Description
- ix, 246 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm
- Bibliography
- Includes index.
- 9780762486502
- 1. Astronomy as a Science
- 1. The History of Astronomy
- The Oldest Science
- Astronomy in Prehistory
- Crystal Spheres and Auxiliary Circles
- Arabian Nights
- Mayan Astronomy
- The Copernican Revolution
- Kepler's Laws
- Galileo and Newton
- The Development of Modern Astronomy
- 2. Telescopes
- The Invention of the Telescope
- Galileo's Discoveries
- Improvements to the Telescope
- Herschel's Giant Telescopes
- Bigger and Bigger
- Moneylenders
- New Technologies
- Large Ground-Based Telescopes
- Space-Based Telescopes
- Telescopes of the Future
- 13. Modern Astronomy
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Spectroscopy
- Radio Astronomy
- Infrared Astronomy
- Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma Astronomy
- Multimessenger Astronomy
- Scientific Satellites
- Computers in Astronomy
- Astronomy and Particle Physics
- 2. The Night Sky
- 4. The Celestial Sphere
- Orientation on the Sky
- Day and Night
- The Ever-Changing Night Sky
- Poles Apart
- Solar Time and Sidereal Time
- Angular Distances in the Sky
- Azimuth and Attitude
- Right Ascension and Declination
- Light Pollution
- 5. Constellations
- What Is a constellation?
- Constellations among Other Cultures
- Great Bear and North Star
- Southern Cross and Alpha Centauri
- Spring Night Sky
- Summer Night Sky
- Autumn Night Sky
- Winter Night Sky
- 6. The Zodiac
- What Is the Zodiac?
- Precession
- Aries, Taurus, and Gemini
- Cancer, Leo, and Virgo
- Libra, Scorpius, and Sagittarius
- Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces
- Astrology
- Conjunctions and Occultations
- 7. Amateur Astronomy
- The Eye and Binoculars
- Refractors
- Reflectors
- Modern Amateur Telescopes
- Comptuers and Amateur Astronomy
- Gameras
- Astrophotography
- Public Observatories, Planetariums, and Societies
- 3. Earth, Moon, and Sun
- 8. Motions and Eclipses
- Days, Months, and Years
- Tides
- The Phases of the Moon
- Seasons
- Lunar Eclipses
- Solar Eclipses
- The Equation of Time
- The Calendar
- 9. The Moon
- Introduction to the Moon
- First Quadrant
- Second Quadrant
- Third Quadrant
- Fourth Quadrant
- The Far Side of the Moon
- The Origin of the Moon
- 10. The Sun
- Introduction to the Sun
- The Sun Unmasked
- The Interior of the Sun
- Corona and Solar Wind
- Sunspots
- The Sun's Activity Cycle
- Sun and Climate
- The Future of the Sun
- How to $$$ Safely
- 4. The Solar System
- 11. The Inner Parts of the Solar System
- The Origin of the Planets
- Introduction to the Solar System
- Mercury
- Observing Venus
- Planetary Transits
- Introduction to Venus
- Introduction to Mars
- Observing Mars
- Water on Mars
- 12. The Outer Parts of the Solar System
- Introduction to Jupiter
- Jupiter's Moons
- Observing Jupiter and Saturn
- Introduction to Saturn
- Saturn's Moons
- Planetary Rings
- Uranus and Neptune
- Dwarf Planets
- 13. Meteors, Asteroids, and Comets
- Meteors
- Meteorites
- Asteroids
- Cosmic Impacts
- The Kuiper Belt
- Comets
- Famous Comets
- Observing Comets
- Zodiacal Light
- 5. The Milky Way Galaxy
- 14. Stars
- Brightness and Distance
- Color and Spectral Type
- Binary Stars and Multiple Star Systems
- Variable Stars
- Star Formation
- The Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
- The Evolution of High-Mass Stars
- Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Black Holes and Gamma-Ray Bursts
- 15. Star Clusters and Nebulae
- Various Kinds of Nebulae
- Star-Forming Regions
- Open Star Clusters
- Planetary Nebulae
- Supernova Remnants
- Globular Clusters
- Observing Nebulae
- Observing Open Star Clusters
- 16. The Milky Way
- The Milky Way in the Night Sky
- Observing through Binoculars
- The Structure of the Milky Way
- The Ecology of the Milky Way
- Satellites of the Milky Way
- Dark Matter and the Halo of the Milky Way
- A Black Hole in the Core of the Milky Way
- The Local Group
- 6. The Universe
- 17. Galaxies
- Introduction to Galaxies
- Types of Galaxies
- Looking at Galaxies
- Origin and Evolution
- Active Galaxies and Quasars
- Clusters and Superclusters
- Cosmic Collisions
- Gravitational Lensing
- Looking Back in Time
- 18. The Evolution of the Universe
- The Expansion of the Universe
- Redshift
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Cosmic Microwave Background
- Critical Density and Dark Matter
- The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe
- The Bizarre Universe
- Cosmic Riddles
- 19. Life in the Universe
- Conditions for Life
- The Cradle of Life
- Searching for Life on Mars
- Exoplanets
- Future Projects
- Extraterrestrial Civilizations
- UFOs and Flying Saucers
- How Rare Is the Earth?
- Index
- Photo Credits