Tales of light and life

Book - 2023

"Thrilling short stories featuring fan favorite characters from the beloved High Republic series each written by a New York Times bestselling author. The High Republic authors share unmissable short stories that bridge Phases, resolve mysteries, and offer tantalizing hints of what is to come. Rejoin the adventures of the Jedi and Padawans, Pathfinders and Path members, heroes and villains ahead of the launch of Phase III."--Amazon.

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  • The queen's bloom / by Zoraida Cordova
  • A closed fist has no claws / by Tessa Gratton
  • Shield of the Jedi / by George Mann
  • The lonely traveler is home / by Daniel Jose Older
  • After the fall / by Claudia Gray
  • The force provides / by Justina Ireland
  • All Jedi walk their own path / by Charles Soule
  • Light in the darkness / by Carvan Scott
  • The call of Coruscant / by Lydia King.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

In this High Republic--era anthology featuring contributions from many noted YA authors, the devastating impact of Starlight Beacon's crash reverberates throughout the galaxy. A senator's son constrained by social expectations finds himself at the mercy of an alluring but violent band of criminals. Aboard the Gaze Electric, a lone Evereni hunts for her people and herself. Young Jedi and rebellious heroes of the Republic confront the challenges before them--knighthood trials, homesickness, missing friends, invasion by the Hutts, and recovering a sense of purpose in the wake of disaster. These nine stories can stand independently of one another but also combine to capture a panoramic view of a historical turning point for the Republic and the Jedi, from the events leading up to the rise of the Nihil to the aftermath of the space station's fall. The narrative progression from one story to the next creates a satisfying overarching plot that packs an emotional punch at its climax. Although the focal point of the collection is a tragedy, the stories emphasize the power of hope, connection, and community. Fans of the series will recognize significant recurring characters such as Rooper Nitani and Marda Ro, but each story provides enough context to entice the interest of new readers. As with other installments in the High Republic series, this anthology reflects a galaxy of diverse and complex characters. Cohesive and captivating. (Science fiction anthology. 13-18) Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.