Mark Twain

Ron Chernow

Book - 2025

"Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835, under Halley's Comet, the rambunctious Twain was an early teller of tall tales. He left his home in Missouri at an early age, piloted steamboats on the Mississippi, and arrived in the Nevada Territory during the silver-mining boom. Before long, he had accepted a job at the local newspaper, where he barged into vigorous discourse and debate, hoaxes and hijinks. After moving to San Francisco, he published stories that attracted national attention for their brashness and humor, writing under a pen name soon to be immortalized. Chernow draws a richly nuanced portrait of the man who shamelessly sought fame and fortune and crafted his celebrity persona with meticulous care. Twain eventually settle...d with his wife and three daughters in Hartford, where he wrote some of his most well-known works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, earning him further acclaim. He threw himself into American politics, emerging as the nation's most notable pundit. While his talents as a writer and speaker flourished, his madcap business ventures eventually forced him into bankruptcy; to economize, Twain and his family spent nine eventful years in exile in Europe. He suffered the death of his wife and two daughters, and the last stage of his life was marked by heartache, political crusades, and eccentric behavior that sometimes obscured darker forces at play. Drawing on Twain's bountiful archives, including his fifty notebooks, thousands of letters, and hundreds of unpublished manuscripts, Chernow masterfully captures a man whose career reflected the country's westward expansion, industrialization, and foreign wars. No other white author of his generation grappled so fully with the legacy of slavery after the Civil War or showed such keen interest in African American culture. Today, more than one hundred years after his death, Twain's writing continues to be read, debated, and quoted."--

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New York : Penguin Press 2025.
Main Author
Ron Chernow (author)
Physical Description
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents unavailable.
Review by Kirkus Book Review

A decidedly warts-and-all portrait of the man many consider to be America's greatest writer. It makes sense that distinguished biographer Chernow (Washington: A Life andAlexander Hamilton) has followed up his life of Ulysses S. Grant with one of Mark Twain: Twain, after all, pulled Grant out of near bankruptcy by publishing the ex-president's Civil War memoir under extremely favorable royalty terms. The act reflected Twain's inborn generosity and his near pathological fear of poverty, the prime mover for the constant activity that characterized the author's life. As Chernow writes, Twain was "a protean figure who played the role of printer, pilot, miner, journalist, novelist, platform artist, toastmaster, publisher, art patron, pundit, polemicist, inventor, crusader, investor, and maverick." He was also slippery: Twain left his beloved Mississippi River for the Nevada gold fields as a deserter from the Confederate militia, moved farther west to California to avoid being jailed for feuding, took up his pseudonym to stay a step ahead of anyone looking for Samuel Clemens, especially creditors. Twain's flaws were many in his own day. Problematic in our own time is a casual racism that faded as he grew older (charting that "evolution in matters of racial tolerance" is one of the great strengths of Chernow's book). Harder to explain away is Twain's well-known but discomfiting attraction to adolescent and even preadolescent girls, recruiting "angel-fish" to keep him company and angrily declaring when asked, "It isn't the public's affair." While Twain emerges from Chernow's pages as the masterful--if sometimes wrathful and vengeful--writer that he is now widely recognized to be, he had other complexities, among them a certain gullibility as a businessman that kept that much-feared poverty often close to his door, as well as an overarchingly gloomy view of the human condition that seemed incongruous with his reputation, then and now, as a humanist. Essential reading for any Twain buff and student of American literature. Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.