Chasing Venus The Race to Measure the Heavens

Andrea Wulf, Robin Sachs

eAudio - 2012

The author of the highly acclaimed Founding Gardeners now gives us an enlightening chronicle of the first truly international scientific endeavor—the eighteenth-century quest to observe the transit of Venus and measure the solar system. On June 6, 1761, the world paused to observe a momentous occasion: the first transit of Venus between the earth and the sun in more than a century. Through that observation, astronomers could calculate the size of the solar system—but only if they could compile data from many different points of the globe, all recorded during the short period of the transit. Overcoming incredible odds and political strife, astronomers from Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Sweden, and the American colonies set up obser...vatories in remote corners of the world, only to have their efforts thwarted by unpredictable weather and warring armies. Fortunately, transits of Venus occur in pairs: eight years later, the scientists would...

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Main Authors
Andrea Wulf, Robin Sachs
Online Access
OverDrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size235 GB
Release Date5/1/2012
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size234 GB
Release Date5/1/2012