Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen, Wanda McCaddon

eAudio - 2006

Jane Austen's debut novel is a brilliant tragicomedy of flirtation and folly in which two sisters who represent "sense" and "sensibility," or restraint and emotionalism, experience love and heartbreak in their own separate ways.One daughter, the impetuous Marianne, falls passionately in love with the dashing John Willoughby and makes no secret of her affections. Meanwhile, Elinor and the mild-mannered Edward Ferras feel a mutual attraction, yet neither has the directness to acknowledge it.When it is revealed that Willoughby is in fact an unscrupulous fortune hunter and that Edward is bound by a previous commitment to another woman, each sister's romantic hopes are dashed. As they bear their grief in their ways, Marianne learns from Elinor's quiet restraint, while Elinor learns the value of Marianne's candid expression.In the end, both sisters are happily settled, having each developed a more balanced approach to life and love.

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Blackstone Publishing
Main Authors
Jane Austen, Wanda McCaddon
Online Access
OverDrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size334 GB
Release Date11/9/2004
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size334 GB
Release Date11/9/2004