Headscarves and Hymens Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution

Mona Eltahawy

eAudio - 2015

A passionate manifesto decrying misogyny in the Arab world, by an Egyptian American journalist and activistWhen the Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy published an article in Foreign Policy magazine in 2012 titled "Why Do They Hate Us?" it provoked a firestorm of controversy. The response it generated, with more than four thousand posts on the website, broke all records for the magazine, prompted dozens of follow-up interviews on radio and television, and made it clear that misogyny in the Arab world is an explosive issue, one that engages and often enrages the public. In Headscarves and Hymens, Eltahawy takes her argument further. Drawing on her years as a campaigner and commentator on women's issues in the Middle East, she e...xplains that since the Arab Spring began, women in the Arab world have had two revolutions to undertake: one fought with men against oppressive regimes, and another fought against an entire political and economic system that...

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Macmillan Audio
Main Author
Mona Eltahawy
Online Access
OverDrive Resource Page
MP3 audiobook, OverDrive Listen audiobook
MP3 audiobook
File Size162 GB
Release Date4/21/2015
OverDrive Listen audiobook
File Size162 GB
Release Date4/21/2015